Japanese Blood Grass: A Low-Maintenance Plant


Japanese Blood Grass thriving in a garden

Key Highlights

Table of Contents

  • Japanese Blood Grass, or Imperata cylindrica, is a pretty grass with bright red leaves.
  • It grows best in full sun and needs well-draining soil for its colors to stand out.
  • It does not need much care, but it can spread quickly. So, it would help if you thought about how to manage it.
  • Some places call it a bad weed, so choosing the type that does not spread when you can is best.
  • Japanese Blood Grass adds a nice splash of color to rock gardens, simple borders, and even pots.
  • The best time to divide these plants is in early spring.


Japanese Blood Grass (Imperata cylindrica) is popular with gardeners because of its colorful leaves. This grass grows tall. Its blades change from bright green to deep red. It adds a unique feel to your garden. However, beauty has some risks. This grass can spread fast, so you must plan and manage it carefully for your garden to thrive.

What is Japanese Blood Grass?

Japanese Blood Grass in a garden.

Japanese Blood Grass grows tall, up to 12 to 18 inches. It forms thick clumps of thin leaves. This grass thrives in warm weather. Its color gets richer when it cools down. Some varieties are green, but the most popular have red tips that get darker as the season progresses.

Japanese Blood Grass can proliferate in some places. It spreads fast through its roots. Because of this, you need to know your local laws. It’s best to pick sterile types whenever you can.

The Origin and Characteristics of This Ornamental Plant

Imperata cylindrica, or Japanese Blood Grass, grows in East and Southeast Asia. This grass comes back each year. It spreads through underground stems called rhizomes. Typically, the grass has green leaves. Many people prefer the red variety due to its vibrant red tips.

The red color gets more prosperous as the season goes by. It looks its finest in late summer and early fall. The red type is loved for its vibrant appearance, which helps it stand out in gardens and flower beds.

It is good to know it usually grows between 12 and 18 inches tall. In warm areas, Japanese Blood Grass can spread fast. This can take up space from other plants.

Benefits of Growing Japanese Blood Grass in Your Garden

Adding Japanese Blood Grass to your garden can be fun and interesting. It grows tall and has bright leaves, which make a nice contrast with other plants. You can choose from the green form or the more popular red form. This grass can fit well in different garden styles.

Japanese Blood Grass does well in rock gardens. The big leaves look great with stones and gravel. You can also use it as a border plant. It helps mark edges and adds color.

Its thick growth makes it a great ground cover for small spaces. However, be aware that it can spread quickly. It is a good idea to choose sterile cultivars when possible. This choice will help you control it better.

Types and Varieties

Japanese Blood Grass, also called Imperata cylindrica, is an ornamental grass. It has bright red leaves that are eye-catching. People like to use it in gardens because it is easy to care for and has a vivid color. There are different types and varieties, each with special features.

One of the most known types is the ‘Red Baron‘. It is valued for its dark red color and thick growth. Another type is ‘Rubra‘. It looks like the ‘Red Baron’ but may spread too much in some areas.

It’s essential to think about the USDA plant hardiness zones when choosing Japanese Blood Grass types. Some varieties can handle colder weather better than others. There are also non-seeding varieties for people worried about spreading.

When picking a type, consider how bright the color is, how it grows, and if it might spread too much. Talking to local nurseries or gardening experts can help you choose the best Japanese Blood Grass type for what you need and your climate.

Japanese Blood grass can handle a variety of soil types. It thrives in sunny conditions but may also tolerate slight shade. You can use it to create a border or a focal point in your yard. It also attracts birds and butterflies, giving your yard a vibrant feel. Overall, this grass is ideal for any garden.

Adding Japanese Blood Grass to your garden can be fun. It grows tall and has bright leaves. These leaves look nice next to other plants. You can pick the green version or the more popular red one. This grass works well in many garden styles.

Japanese Blood Grass grows well in rock gardens. Its large leaves look nice alongside stones and gravel. You can use it as a border plant, too. It helps outline edges and brings some color.

Its thick growth makes it a great cover for small areas. However, you should know that it can spread fast. It is a good idea to pick sterile types. This will help you manage it better.

Getting Started with Japanese Blood Grass

To begin your Japanese Blood Grass garden, you need the right tools. You also need to choose the best place in your garden. A good start is important. It helps the plants grow better and look nice.

Check what it needs, such as sunlight and the type of soil. This helps you make an intelligent choice. When you find the right place and tools, you can start to grow beautiful Japanese Blood Grass.

Essential Tools and Materials

  • Gardening gloves: Protect your hands from sharp grass blades.
  • Hand Trowel: A helpful tool for digging holes and changing the soil.
  • Garden Fork: Helps to loosen tough soil and mix in extra materials.
  • Watering Can or Hose: Gives plants the water they need, especially when they are new.
  • Mulch: Keeps soil moist and helps prevent weeds.

Having these tools ready makes planting easier. They also help your Japanese Blood Grass grow well.

Selecting the Right Location for Planting

When you plant Japanese Blood Grass, choosing the right place is critical. These plants need full sun. This means they need at least six hours of sunlight each day. They can manage some shade, but they will look better and be more colorful with lots of sun.

Think about the weather in the United States. In hot places, providing shade in the afternoon is helpful. This protects the leaves from burning when the heat is very strong.

  • Make sure the soil drains well.
  • Japanese Blood Grass likes dry soil.
  • Too much water can cause root rot.
  • Choose a spot with good drainage.
  • Adding organic material can help stop this issue.

Step-by-Step Guide to Planting Japanese Blood Grass

Step-by-step planting Japanese Blood Grass.

Planting Japanese Blood Grass is easy. Just follow these simple steps. You will soon enjoy its bright colors in your garden. First, get the soil ready. This helps support healthy growth.

After you get the soil ready, make sure to leave enough room between your plants. This helps them grow better and stops them from being too close together. Here are the key steps.

Step 1: Preparing the Soil

For Japanese Blood Grass to flourish healthily, the soil must be prepared. The first step is to loosen the soil to a depth of 11 inches using a garden fork. Water will flow more quickly as a result. Add organic matter, like compost or peat moss, if your soil is too thick. This will improve water flow and air access.

The place where you will plant should have some mulch added. Mulch prevents weeds from forming and keeps the soil moist. This promotes healthier growth for your Japanese Blood Grass. Consider applying a balanced, slow-release fertiliser to the soil for optimal effects. Your plants will receive the nutrients they require to flourish as a result.

Step 2: Planting the Grass

Now that you have readied the soil, it’s time to plant. First, dig a hole that is two times larger than the root ball of your Japanese Blood Grass. If you are planting several plants, keep them about 18 inches apart. This space will help them grow better.

  • Carefully remove the grass from its container.
  • Be gentle to protect the roots.
  • Place the plant into the hole.
  • Ensure that the root ball top is even with the surrounding soil.
  • Fill the hole with quality soil.
  • Carefully tuck the soil around the base of the plant.

After you plant it, be sure to water it well. Soak all the roots. You may need to water it again, especially when it is dry. Keep doing this until the plants feel at ease.

Maintaining Your Japanese Blood Grass

Growth Management

Japanese Blood Grass grows quickly and can spread a lot with its roots. This helps to make thick ground covers, but it might need some care to stop it from spreading too much and to keep its shape looking good.


  • Timing: Thinning works best in spring or fall when the plant is not active.
  • Method: Using a garden spade, dig up unwanted clumps and toss them in green waste collection.
  • Spacing: Keep about 12-18 inches between clumps to manage growth.

Other Strategies:

  • Growing in Containers: Putting the plant in containers is a good way to limit how much it spreads.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keeping up with care, like mowing or trimming, can help keep Japanese Blood Grass at a good size and shape.
  • Companion Planting: Try planting Japanese Blood Grass with taller plants or bushes. They can help create shade and slow down its spread.
  • Strategic Placement: Planting Japanese Blood Grass in cooler, moist spots or shady areas can slow its growth.

Potting and Repotting

Japanese Blood Grass can be grown in pots to make patios, balconies, or other outdoor areas look nice. When you put it in a container, make sure it has enough holes at the bottom to keep the roots healthy. Use a potting mix that lets water flow well and has lots of organic material in it.

The best time to pot or re-pot Japanese Blood Grass is in the spring or fall. To re-pot, take the plant out of its current pot. Then, gently loosen the root ball. Place the plant in a bigger pot and fill the spaces with new potting mix. Water it well after re-potting.

You need to watch how the plant grows for container-grown Japanese Blood Grass. It would be best if you repotted it as needed to make space for its spreading roots. Repotting every two to three years will help the plant have enough room to grow well.

Watering and Fertilizer


Japanese Blood Grass can grow well in dry areas after it gets established. But in the first year, you need to water it properly. Water it deeply, but do it less often. This helps the roots become strong. Adding mulch around the plants keeps the soil moist and means you won’t have to water as much.

Japanese Blood Grass does not need much fertilizer. If your soil is weak or you want it to grow faster, you can add a balanced slow-release fertilizer in early spring.

Seasonal Care Tips

Providing care for your Japanese Blood Grass during different seasons helps it stay healthy and bright throughout the year.

Here are some tips to keep it looking great:




Cut back dead foliage to ground level before new growth emerges. Apply a balanced fertilizer.


Water deeply during dry periods. Divide plants if needed.


Leave foliage intact for winter interest.


Protect plants from harsh winter winds with burlap wraps.

  • If you follow these tips, your plants will grow strong and stay colorful throughout the year.

Propagation and Pruning

Japanese Blood Grass can be spread by dividing it in spring or fall. To do this, carefully dig up a mature clump. Then, gently break it into smaller sections using a spade. Replant these sections in good soil. Pruning helps keep the plant’s shape and helps it grow new shoots. In spring, remove any dead leaves using clean pruning shears. Cut the plant back to about half its size to boost thicker growth. Do not cut back too much during the growing season, as this may stop it from flowering.

Overwintering Japanese Blood Grass

Japanese Blood Grass is strong and can handle cold weather. But it may need extra care in areas with very tough winters or long freezing periods.

Key Overwintering Tips

  • Mulching: Put a layer of mulch around the base of the plant. This will help keep the roots warm and safe from frost. Mulch can also keep moisture in and stop weeds from growing.
  • Watering: Water deeply before winter starts. This helps the plant grow strong roots and be better in dry conditions. Don’t water too much, because extra water can cause the roots to rot.
  • Protection from Harsh Conditions: In places with strong cold or wind, consider using covers or burlap bags to keep the plant safe from harsh weather.
  • Location: Plant Japanese Blood Grass, which gets shade in the afternoon. This will lower heat stress during hot summers and shield it from strong winter sunlight.

Additional Considerations

  • Zone Boundaries: If you live close to the zone edges for Japanese Blood Grass, you should give it extra care during frigid winters.
  • Rhizomes: Japanese Blood Grass spreads by its roots. If you worry about it spreading too much, consider planting it in containers or watching its growth closely.
  • Dry Gardens: This plant works well in dry gardens and can survive dry conditions. Still, make sure it gets enough water during extended dry periods.


In conclusion, planting Japanese Blood Grass can make your garden stand out. Its bright colors and beauty are unique. To help this grass thrive, it’s essential to know where it grows best, what good it does, and how to care for it.

With proper planting and care, you can enjoy this grass all year. Whether new to gardening or having more experience, Japanese Blood Grass is an excellent choice for your yard.

So, grab your tools and create a lovely space with Japanese Blood Grass as the primary focus.
Start your gardening journey today with Japanese Blood Grass!

Start your gardening journey with Japanese Blood Grass today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast does Japanese Blood Grass grow?

Japanese Bloodgrass grows well. It can get between 30 and 45 cm tall in one season. When you plant it in full sun, it grows faster. This gives the red color of its foliage a brighter look.

Can Japanese Blood Grass grow in shaded areas?

Japanese Blood Grass grows best in full sun. It can also survive in partial shade. If it doesn’t receive enough sunlight, the leaves may not be bright, especially the red ones. The green varieties usually do better in shady spots.

Is Japanese Blood Grass invasive?

Japanese Blood Grass is seen as a noxious weed in some areas of the United States. This is especially true in the southern states. It grows fast, making people view it as invasive. This issue is noted in places like Mississippi and Georgia.

How do I manage pests affecting my Japanese Blood Grass?

Japanese Blood Grass does not usually have many pest or disease issues. You can help prevent problems by keeping the garden clean. This means picking up any waste and leaving enough space between the plants. Gardeners should watch for any signs of trouble and fix them quickly.

When is the best time to plant Japanese Blood Grass?

Early spring is the best time to plant in many places. It helps plants grow strong before the summer heat comes. In warmer areas like Florida, you can also plant in the fall.

What Is Japanese Blood Grass Red Baron?

Japanese Blood Grass Red Baron is a popular type of plant. People love its deep red leaves. These leaves shine even brighter when the weather gets colder. This plant is simple to care for and grows into a thick, colorful ground cover.

Japanese Blood Grass Ontario

Japanese Blood Grass, especially the Red Baron type, is a popular choice for gardens in Ontario. Its bright red leaves really make it stand out. This grass grows well in the local climate. It likes soil that drains well and can grow in various light.

The Red Baron is an easy ornamental grass to care for. It adds a bold splash of color to gardens throughout the season.

Here are some facts:

  • Japanese Blood Grass does well in Ontario’s climate.
  • It enjoys the sun but can also handle some shade.
  • For the best growth, keep the soil rich and drain well.
  • Water regularly to keep the grass healthy, especially when it’s dry.
  • A layer of mulch can help keep the soil moist for the plants.
  • Trim the grass back in early spring to help new growth.
  • Watch out, as it can spread fast. Check it regularly to control its growth.
  • A lot of people see it as a unique part of their garden.
  • You can enjoy its bold red color throughout the season.
  • Hardiness: This plant does well in Ontario’s climate and usually thrives in zones 5-9.
  • Color: The leaves show a deep red color, especially in cooler months.
  • Maintenance: It requires very little care, making it great for busy gardeners.
  • Uses: It can act as ground cover, a border plant, or even be used in containers.