Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions
Pepper Eating Worms

Pepper Eating Worms And 2 Other Damaging Pepper Pests

Worms On Peppers There are a variety o pepper eating worms and other pests to deal with pepper plants. You can evade them as long as you treat the area, but you must be wary...
How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees And Carpenter Ants

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees Carpenter bees are not classified as "wood-destroying" insects like termites and carpenter ants. If they choose your house, they can be a pain. They're called carpenters because they leave...
Citronella Plant

Citronella Plant: 1 Effective Mosquito Repellent Or Is it?

Citronella Plant It won't take the bite out of a mosquito, but a whiff of this ugly citronella plant may tell the annoying insect to buzz off. A geranium called citronella has been designed to ward...

Caterpillars: What Plants Are Affected And Remedy

Caterpillars Caterpillars are the early or larval stage of butterflies and moths. Not all are major plant pests, but certain types, such as cabbage white caterpillars, can wreak havoc in the garden. They often render crop plants inedible...
Slugs In Garden

Slugs In Garden: Pests Or Perhaps Not?

Slugs In Garden Slugs are often the most damaging of all the garden pests to a wide variety of garden plants, particularly in the seedling stage. As many as 200 slugs can live in a square...
How To Manage Pests

How To Manage Pests With 4 Proven Natural Ways

How To Manage Pests The Natural Way Biodiversity offers a pesticide-free option for protecting your garden from pests without introducing toxins. In the wild, the natural food chain keeps populations of plant-damaging pests in balance, and...
Raspberry Crown Wasp

Raspberry Crown Wasp: How To Fight Against This Borer

Raspberry Crown Wasp Control: Effective Strategies to Protect Your Plants The raspberry crown wasp, also known as the raspberry borer, is a formidable pest that can devastate raspberry plants. These tiny, reddish-brown wasps lay their...
How to Revive a Buxus Plant

How to Revive a Buxus Plant and Prevent Decline

Bring Your Buxus Back to Life! Buxus plants, also commonly known as boxwood, are popular choices for landscaping due to their attractive foliage and ease of shaping. However, they can be susceptible to a condition...

How to get rid of Cockroaches Naturally

When you notice roaches in the home, the first thought that might jump to mind may be to get a container of insecticide or call an exterminator. But not merely would you be subjecting the...
Garden Pests

Garden Pests and How to Fight against Them

Garden Pests What are the most common garden pests and how can you identify them? The most common garden pests include aphids, slugs, snails, caterpillars, and spider mites. You can identify them by checking for visible...