ZZ Plant, Everything You Need to Know about them.


ZZ PlantZZ Plants


Zamioculcas zamiifolia has existed for generations, originating in drought-prone Africa (where it thrives outdoors).

A few decades ago, Dutch nurseries in South Africa discovered the plant’s propagating opportunity and, in 1996, began distributing it around the globe.

Since that time, ZZ plants have typed in offices, homes, and hearts worldwide.

ZZ Plants are harsh – which makes them ideal for the forgetful proprietor. These hardy plants can survive for months with no water and develop ideally in any light except the intense sun.

With its broad, appealing, deep green leaves, this plant boasts numerous favorable traits for homes and offices.

It is drought tolerant, as well as accepts low light status without any impact on its health.

Its waxy, sleek leaves reflect sunlight and brighten suites.

ZZ usually grows gradually to a level and width of 2 to 3 feet, so it’s not a plant monster that outgrows pots rapidly.

It also is an air cleaner, and also in a NASA review, scientists found it’s specifically adept at extracting large amounts of toxins like benzene, toluene, and xylene from the atmosphere.

They are graceful with wand-like stems that taper to a place. Along the stalks are fleshy, oval-shaped, shiny leaves offering them a distinct feathered appearance.

A native of East Africa, ZZ Plant requires hardly any h2o and does best when they’re mostly ignored. When looking for a tolerant plant that can make a statement, a ZZ Plant is it!

ZZ Plant Care

Care of ZZ is natural, making it the gold standard for houseplant novices, preoccupied business employees, and brown thumbs.

The ZZ luckily does not need any specific potting soil: any well-drained potting soil will do.

Regarding feeding it, use a suitable solution of houseplant fertilizer (20-20-20) the moment a month when watering.

Situate the ZZ  in very low to brilliant indirect lighting and water when completely dried out.

Generally, you can also forget about watering for a couple of days or even a week, and it’ll still thrive.

ZZ is also extremely resistant to insects and diseases.

If your plant’s limbs intrude into your space and get in the manner, prune them away.

The plant will likely flower mid-summer to early autumn; however, the blossoms are tiny and not appealing, making ZZ primarily a foliage plant.


The foliage of your ZZ Plant is glossy naturally. Thus no leaf shine is needed. Just wipe them with a damp cloth or perhaps mist them sometimes to help keep them dust-free.

What benefits does a ZZ plant have for indoor spaces?

The ZZ plant is not only a stylish and low-maintenance addition to your indoor space, but it also offers several benefits. It purifies the air by removing toxins, improving humidity levels, and boosting your mood and productivity. Its glossy leaves add a touch of greenery to any room.

Final Word

The ZZ plant, also known as the Zanzibar Gem, is a gem in the gardening world, originating from the rich landscapes of Eastern Africa, specifically regions like Tanzania. It boasts dark green leaves and thrives in indirect light, making it an ideal choice for indoor gardening.

The plant belongs to the Araceae family, sharing relations with philodendron, spathiphyllum, and the popular peace lilies. Its rhizomes, which are thick and adept at storing moisture, make it a hardy choice, resembling the resilience of succulents and cacti. Overwatering is a common problem, often leading to root rot.

It’s essential to use a well-draining potting mix, possibly enhanced with perlite, to ensure the roots don’t sit in moisture for extended periods. When repotting, look for a pot with a few more inches in diameter, and always be on the lookout for new growth, a sign of a thriving plant. ZZ plants can tolerate lower light but flourish in bright indirect light, away from direct sun, making south-facing windows or any indirect light source perfect.

Although a slow grower, its affinity to withstand neglect and low humidity without compromising indoor air quality—thanks to its ability to reduce volatile organic compounds—makes it a favorite among gardeners. If you’re in an arid environment, consider using a humidifier during its growing season.

However, avoid placing them in direct sunlight for extended periods, as they can tolerate low-light conditions much better, similar to the snake plant. In essence, the ZZ plant is a testimony to nature’s adaptability and the beauty of the green world.