Calathea Medallion And 4 Essential Care Tips


Calathea Medallion

Calathea Medallion

Calathea medallion, also known as Calathea Veitchiana, is one of the most eye-striking low-light plants. Because of their large, medallion-like leaves, which have a bright green top and deep burgundy underside, are very popular among plant enthusiasts.

This plant is not recommended for busy bees or beginners as it needs a lot of care to keep it happy and healthy.

Here are few simple plant care tips and solutions on how to care for your Calathea Medallion.

Calathea veitchiana belongs to the prayer plant family. Sometimes people refer to them as prayer plants. However, they are not prayer plants.

Calathea Medallion is different from prayer-plants because of the way their leaves are made. The prayer plant’s leaves are shaped like praying hands and fold at the base of their stems.

If your Calathea Medallion’s leaves curl upward toward the center vein from the outside, you should check your environment.

Calatheas can grow up to 36 inches in height. Calatheas thrive in environments with high humidity, low light, and moderate soil moisture.

Botanical Name Calathea veitchiana
Common Name Medallion Calathea
Plant Size Calathea plants can grow up to 2 feet tall, but they can reach 40-60 cm in height.
Different types of Calathea plants Calathea Crocata Calathea Lancifolia Calathea Makoyana Calathea Ornata Calathea Ornata Calathea Ornata Calathea Roseopicta Calathea Roseopicta Rosey ‘Dottie’ Calathea Roseopicta Rosey ‘Rosey’ Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Warscewiczii Calathea Zebrina Zebrinathea Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Zebrina Warscewicziibarba, Cala Zebrina Zebrina
Sunlight Calathea Medallion requires medium to bright indirect lighting. Calathea plants should not be placed in direct sunlight as they can burn their leaves.
Water Calathea Medallion should be kept moist with a regular watering routine, but not too often or for too long.
Humidity Calathea medallion was originally a tropical tree and preferred a higher humidity environment. Best to place it in the bathroom or kitchen of your home.
Temperature Calathea Medallion loves warmth. It likes temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees.
Toxicity They are safe for humans and animals, but they can be toxic to pets.
Food A general fertilizer for houseplants with iron should be applied every four weeks in the spring and summer. Calathea Medallions don’t need to be fed during winter, as that is when their growth naturally slows down.
Pests and problems Spider mites are common in the Calathea Medallion plant. Use room-temperature water, paying special attention to the base of the leaves. To get rid of mites, spray the plant with the hose. Your Calathea’s leaves may curl if you are either underwatering the plant or overwatering it. Your tap water may be causing your Calathea’s leaves to turn brown around the edges. This could be harmful to your plant.
Top Care Tip To keep your Calathea Medallion plants happy and healthy, mist them often.


Calathea Medallion Care Tips

Calathea Medallions require extra care to keep their leaves shining and vibrant, as I’ve already mentioned. This article will cover all aspects of caring for your Calathea Medallion.


Our first tip for caring for your Calathea veitchiana should be to place it to receive indirect light from medium to bright sources. It can tolerate low indirect lighting.

Common Problem: If the gorgeous leaf colors of your Calathea Medallion start to fade, it means that the plant is getting too much exposure to the sun and starting to burn its leaves.

Solution: Your Calathea Medallion should be placed in an area that doesn’t get too much sun, such as in your bathroom or kitchen. This will ensure that your plant is well-hydrated.


Watering is the tricky part of the care for this plant. Calatheas love to be moist but hate to stand in water, and the soil must have perfect drainage for the leaves to maintain their glossy sparkle.

If there is a problem with the watering or if the plant remains too wet, there will be damage to the edges of the leaves.

They will become crisp, yellow, or brown and wilted. Avoid plants that have a wilted look or those that do not have new leaves forming.

When repotting the plant, remember that good drainage is critical to these plants remaining healthy.

The soil should consist of one part sterilized garden loam, one part coarse clean sand, and between one half to one part peat moss.

Maintaining this mixture will ensure that drainage is not a problem.

Common Problem: Your Calathea Medallion’s Calathea Medallion will curl if the soil is dry. If your Calathea Medallion leaves curl, it is a sign that the soil has dried out. It is not an indoor plant that can withstand drought.

Solution: Maintain a regular watering schedule. Your Calathea Medallion should be watered when the top 1″-2 inches of soil is dry.

Common Problem: If your Calathea veitchiana leaves are becoming brown at the edges, it could signify that the water quality is not good for the plant.

Solution: Tap water is bad for plants, as it contains minerals, salts, fluoride, and minerals. This causes the leaves’ tips to curl up and burn. You can filter the water using either a water filtration system or you can leave the water in an open container for a night.

Humidity and Temperature

The next step in caring for your Calathea veitchiana should be to place it somewhere high-humidity. You could place it in your bathroom or kitchen. Calathea Medallion plants love a warm environment, preferable between 65-85 degrees.

Common Problem: Your Calathea Medallion will curl or begin to brown if they become curled.

Solution: It should be misted with lukewarm water frequently. The plant is very fond of moisture, so you can mist it daily or use a tray with pebbles. To keep your Calathea Medallion healthy and happy, you should avoid cold drafts as well as sudden temperature changes.


Calathea Medallion is non-toxic for pets and humans. It’s delicious, so keep your pets away from it.


We also recommend that you feed your Calathea Medallion with a general fertilizer with iron (15-15-15) each month or during their growing season (spring and summer). Reduce the winter fertilizer completely.

Common Problem: Calathea Medallion starts to wilt or becomes leggy.

Solution: Avoid over-fertilizing your plants, especially in winter. Root burn could be a problem for your Calathea Medallion and can lead to its death.

Pests and Other Problems

A word of warning — the pests that attack these plants are spidermites, and they often will have a voracious appetite for Calatheas.

Keep a vigilant eye on the undersides of the leaves and spray the plants monthly with a solution of mild soap and water as needed.

Also, humidity discourages spidermites, especially if the water is cool and applied with a spray atomizer daily.