Anthurium Info On Growing In The Garden Or Home




Information on Anthurium

Anthurium can grow to 12-18 inches in height. Each stem is topped by a bright red, palette-shaped flower. The tail grows from the center and has a long, buff tail. 

Although anthuriums were once difficult to grow, modern varieties have been bred to thrive in living rooms. They can take all the heat and humidity that you can offer.

 You’ll be able to see the plant in full sunlight in summer, but not in strong direct sun. It will flower regularly throughout the year.

You should water the compost only occasionally to keep it moist. Every few weeks, add a little liquid feed to help with this. But be careful not to overdo it.

Even in ancient China, colorful houseplants had been used to decorate the homes, like the simple primitive white orchid (the flower was a simple bloom very much like our white Cempaka, with long slender green leaves), which has appeared in most ancient Chinese paintings and cultivated in small pots in courtyards.

Where large numbers of expensive (indoor) plants are concerned, several important factors should be considered to ensure reasonable success – like choosing suitable plant materials, correct placement, and regular maintenance program.

The aesthetic and functional importance of plants should be determined by horticulturists and not architects (not even landscape architects) who do not normally know and understand the finer points of plant requirements.

Environmental Requirements

Environmental factors such as light, temperature, and even air humidity are important in the survival rate of indoor plants.

The vast majority of these so-called indoor plants are in the foliage category. They are normally natives of or grow naturally as vegetation below the canopy of tropical trees or rain forests and thus do not require direct sunlight.

But they do require some filtered sunlight.

Other Indoor Foliage Plants

Light intensities and their duration are also important because plants exposed to longer periods of light can survive at lower intensity levels and vice versa.

Aglaonemas, Dieffenbachias, Dracaenas, Philodendrons, Sanservierias, Syngoniums, Bromeliads, Scincapsus, Anthuriums, Nephrolepis ferns, Spathiphyllum, are classic examples of specimens able to grow in areas of low-light intensities and are very popular as indoor materials.

Almost all of the above belong to the foliage group, and their flowers are usually rather insignificant, except Bromeliads, which have colorful flowers.

Bromeliads, which belong to Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family, are from the American tropics and are exceptionally beautiful.

Plants in the Aroid group also feature prominently as decorative plants in the landscaping industry.

Several herbaceous and climbing aroids are widely grown mainly for their beautiful foliage as ornamentals throughout the tropics.

They are also increasingly used as decorative house plants.

One that is of particular interest is the Anthurium from South America. These include those cultivated for the lovely foliage and others for their very colorful spathes.

The Anthurium andreanum and its many hybrids are the best known in tropical gardens.

The foliage counterpart Anthurium crystallin is grown exclusively for its large and thick velvety leaves, reaching up to 45cm. These lovely leaves, which also possess prominent white veins, are violet when young but turn deep bluish-green.

Anthurium crystallinum has thick fleshy roots with heart-shaped leaf laminae and is velvety with a stiff, leathery texture.

The emerald green to dark bluish-green leaves strikes a contrast with its white silvery veins. The plant bears long-stalked inflorescence with slender yellowish spadix, with a linear green spathe.

The plant bears red, purple berries, which persist even on the old flowering spadix. Native to Peru, it is one of the most beautiful foliage plants.

Essential Anthurium Care

Anthurium plants can tolerate any level of indirect light. However, anthuriums that grow in low light will produce fewer flowers and grow slower. However, these plants can’t tolerate direct sunlight as it can cause damage to the leaves. 

They thrive in indirect, bright light. The soil must be well-drained and retain some water to ensure anthurium growth.

Plant outdoors in a sunny, well-drained area. Anthurium plants do not like to be in constantly moist soil. Your anthurium plants need to be watered regularly but not too often. 

Your anthurium should only be watered when the soil is dry. Root rot is a serious problem for anthurium plants. Too much water can lead to the death of the roots. 

The plant will not grow if it is allowed to dry out in the pot. It will also slow down the growth process and make it difficult to re-wet the rootball. 

To hydrate the rootball, soak it in water for at least an hour. Anthurium plants do not need to be fertilized with too much fertilizer. 

One-quarter strength fertilizer is sufficient to fertilize the plant once every three to six months. 

For the best blooms, choose a fertilizer with a higher phosphorous number (the middle number).