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Milan S

Milan S
Milan is an experienced gardener passionate about creating sustainable, beautiful landscapes. With over 30 years of experience, Milan believes gardens are more than just aesthetics; they’re ecosystems teeming with life and potential. From urban balconies to sprawling estates, Milan offers expert guidance and hands-on assistance to bring your gardening vision to life. Milan is the proud recipient of the Golden Thumb Award for consistently cultivating prize-winning vegetables and stunning blooms. As a yield champion, Milan has produced record harvests from the veggie patch, proving that size truly does matter. Known as the plant whisperer. Milan has revived struggling plants back to life with gentle care and intuition. Look no further for professional gardening tips and a touch of Milan’s unique expertise.
How To Grow A Cactus From Seed

How To Grow A Cactus From Seed: Step By Step Guide

How to Grow A Cactus from Seed Cacti are exciting to grow from seed – their plump seedlings appear quickly, and they’ll begin to develop their characteristic spines in under a year. Cactus seeds are available from...
Get Your Garden In Shape

Get Your Garden In Shape: Spring Action Plan

Get Your Garden In Shape With winter over, it’s time to get your garden in shape for the year ahead. Whatever time you have to spare. Encouragement – that’s what we need at this time...
Hummingbird Bush

Hummingbird Bush: 13 Important Reasons To Plant It In Your Garden

Hummingbird bush plants are bushy plants that reach heights of 2 feet (1 m.), with a spread of about 3 feet (1 m.). The plush leaves and stems are an attractive shade of grayish-green. The...
Scindapsus Pictus Plant

Scindapsus Pictus Plant: Striking Tropical Plant

Scindapsus Pictus Plant Botanical Name: Scindapsus pictus 'Argyraeus.' Scindapsus Pictus is just as easy to grow as its relative, golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum). Keep it warm and take care not to overwater this house plant. Cold drafts and...
Butterfly Bush Pruning

Butterfly Bush Pruning – Butterfly Bush Prune Method

Butterfly Bush Pruning Butterfly Bush, A Controversial plant surrounded by many questions regarding aggressive re-seeding issues, finally breeders managed to develop sterile, near-sterile cultivars. Those are known as "summer lilac," and further on, we will discuss...
Climbers Plants

Climbers Plants: Colorful Climbing Blooms

Climbers Plants By sowing seed now, you can enjoy colorful climbing blooms this summer. We test and reveal the 6 best performers here. We all fantasize about plants that we can easily start from seed on...
Blooming Life

Blooming Life: Blossom Time is Highlight of Spring

Blooming Life One of the most uplifting experiences in the natural world is the sight and, sometimes, Blossom's scent. Whether you live in the heart of the city or the countryside, you are bound to come...

Mowers: Best Mid-Priced Models of 2024 Season

Mowers The traditional mower market is undergoing a quiet revolution, with innovations such as battery-operated models turning mowing into a neighbor-friendly pursuit. Do you have a lawn that’s bigger than a tennis court? Are you fed...
Lime basil

Lime Basil – How To Grow Lime Basil Plants

Lime Basil Lime basil is another hybrid that's generally hard to find; it has a sturdy lime odor that becomes especially evident once it's minced or chopped. Even the peppery-lime taste can complement many tasty dishes...
are spider plants toxic to cats

Are Spider Plants Toxic To Cats: And Can It Be Harmful?

Are Spider Plants Toxic To Cats Cats and Spider plants, The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) has been a favorite houseplant and a typical fixture at hanging baskets. If it has to do with plants and cats'...