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Milan S

Milan S
Milan is an experienced gardener passionate about creating sustainable, beautiful landscapes. With over 30 years of experience, Milan believes gardens are more than just aesthetics; they’re ecosystems teeming with life and potential. From urban balconies to sprawling estates, Milan offers expert guidance and hands-on assistance to bring your gardening vision to life. Milan is the proud recipient of the Golden Thumb Award for consistently cultivating prize-winning vegetables and stunning blooms. As a yield champion, Milan has produced record harvests from the veggie patch, proving that size truly does matter. Known as the plant whisperer. Milan has revived struggling plants back to life with gentle care and intuition. Look no further for professional gardening tips and a touch of Milan’s unique expertise.
Army Worms

Army Worms Desolated East Coast; Crops Devastated

Waging War Against Army Worms Tent caterpillars, also known as army worms, are much-despised -- especially by campers and homeowners -- as they march by the thousands and drop down on silky webs from tree...
Mineral Spirits

Mineral Spirits vs Paint Thinner: Which to Choose for Your Project

Mineral spirits and thinner are essential solvents for diluting oil-based paint, stains, and varnishes and sanitizing paint tools and oily materials. The use of oil-based paints that require mineral spirits or paint thinner has...
Instant Pot

Instant Pot And Why You Need 1

What is an Instant Pot? So what’s the difference between a pressure cooker and a slow cooker? With a pressure cooker, steam builds pressure, raising the boiling point so food cooks faster. You can have stew...
Dirty Shirley

Dirty Shirley Recipe: How To Make A Shirley Temple Mocktail

What is a Dirty Shirley? The Dirty Shirley is a famous cocktail from the 1980s, but millennials and Gen Z are also interested in this drink. Although it contains a high percentage of tequila, it is...
Lavender Vs Russian Sage

Lavender Vs Russian Sage: 1 Obvious Difference You Need To Know

Differences Between These Subshrubs The main difference between Lavender Vs Russian Sage is the flower color. The flowers of Russian sage are primarily blue with a hint of purple, while the flowers of Lavender can...
White Wax Flowers

White Wax Flowers: 5 Wax Flowers Intense Varieties To Check

What Is White Wax Flower, Anyway? The beautiful white Wax Flowers are a perennial shrubs native to Western Australia. It features five waxy petals on each stem, and its leaves contain oil glands that give...
New Guinea Impatiens

New Guinea Impatiens: Why New Guinea Impatiens Wilt

Caring For Your New Guinea Impatiens You've likely heard of the New Guinea impatiens. It is a species of flowering plant native to the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Today, this plant has been...

Nemesia Plant Is Number 1 In Flamboyant Color Varieties

Nemesia Plant Information Any cool-season garden benefits from the vibrant presence of nemesia. Recent advances in breeding have led to the development of far more heat tolerant plants with lovely bicolor blooms and pleasant fragrances. It's...
Flame Tree

Flame Tree Is The Brightest Tree In The World: 8 Most Spectacular Trees In...

What Is A Flame Tree? One of the brightest trees in the world is the flame tree, often known as the Royal Poinciana or the flamboyant tree. The tree bears clusters of enduring orange-red blooms...
Red Lobster's Cheese Garlic Biscuits

Red Lobster’s Cheese Garlic Biscuits Recipe

How to Make Red Lobster's Cheese Garlic Biscuits at Home   If you want to make your version of Red Lobster's Cheese Garlic Biscuits, you have come to the right place. These buttery and garlicky biscuits...