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Milan S

Milan S
Milan is an experienced gardener passionate about creating sustainable, beautiful landscapes. With over 30 years of experience, Milan believes gardens are more than just aesthetics; they’re ecosystems teeming with life and potential. From urban balconies to sprawling estates, Milan offers expert guidance and hands-on assistance to bring your gardening vision to life. Milan is the proud recipient of the Golden Thumb Award for consistently cultivating prize-winning vegetables and stunning blooms. As a yield champion, Milan has produced record harvests from the veggie patch, proving that size truly does matter. Known as the plant whisperer. Milan has revived struggling plants back to life with gentle care and intuition. Look no further for professional gardening tips and a touch of Milan’s unique expertise.

Hornwort Plant Information And Aquarium Use

Hornwort Hornwort is so-called because its leaves are divided and forked into narrow segments like the branches or tines of the antlers or horns of a Red Deer stag. Hornwort grows underwater. It even flowers and...

Tahini History And 3 Delicious Amazing Recipes

Tahini  Tahini frequently appears in recipes throughout "Jerusalem," as well as in Mr. Ottolenghi's other cookbooks, "Plenty," "Ottolenghi," and his latest, "Plenty More," out this week. "Its creamy, smooth nuttiness makes it as wonderful drizzled over a...
Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox Info Plus 7 Colorful Varieties

Creeping Phlox Creeping phlox is one of the early perennials that springs forth from our gardens. There's a creeping variety for every climate. You can get a good idea of the color by looking at...

Weigela Growing And Care Information

Weigela Information Weigelas are deciduous woody shrubs commonly used as fillers in shrub borders. They are also grown as freestanding shrubs or informal flowering hedges. Their flowers are produced in late spring to early summer and...
Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny Growing And Caring Information

Creeping Jenny SPECIES: Lysimachia (li-si-ma'ki-a) nummularia (num-u-le'ri-a). An English native that has wandered in and out of British gardens for centuries. Its many common names: twopenny grass, twopence, wandering Sally, wandering Jenny, creeping Charlie, and...
Flower Bed

Flower Border How To Design And Create

Instead of planting borders at once, you can plant flower borders in stages. Plan ahead. Do your research. Ask questions. The flower border should be large enough to compliment the landscape but small enough that...
Goldfish Plant

Goldfish Plant Care And Growing Information

Goldfish Hanging Plant If you want a spectacular flowering houseplant for a hanging basket or pedestal then consider the goldfish plant (columnea gloriosa). A native of Costa Rica this plant has wonderful trailing stems that can...

Loropetalum – 10 Design And Landscaping Ideas

Loropetalum Loropetalum Chinense, otherwise known as the Chinese fringe flower, is an evergreen shrub that has been a landscape favorite. The species plant, which has green leaves and white flowers, has been around since 1880. However,...
Birch Trees

Birch Tree Planting And Care Information

BIRCH TREE How to Plant a Birch Tree WHITE BIRCH TREE is commonly grown as an ornamental tree in the Algoma area. This week I'll provide you with some tips on how to grow them and...
Katsura Tree

Katsura Tree Simple Growing And Caring Info

Katsura Tree The Katsura tree is a little-known but excellent shade tree that thrives locally. I am convinced a part of its anonymity is its name. Appropriately, the tree is a Cercidiphyllum japonica (ser-sid-i-FILL-um JA-PON-i-ca), and...