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Milan S

Milan S
Milan is an experienced gardener passionate about creating sustainable, beautiful landscapes. With over 30 years of experience, Milan believes gardens are more than just aesthetics; they’re ecosystems teeming with life and potential. From urban balconies to sprawling estates, Milan offers expert guidance and hands-on assistance to bring your gardening vision to life. Milan is the proud recipient of the Golden Thumb Award for consistently cultivating prize-winning vegetables and stunning blooms. As a yield champion, Milan has produced record harvests from the veggie patch, proving that size truly does matter. Known as the plant whisperer. Milan has revived struggling plants back to life with gentle care and intuition. Look no further for professional gardening tips and a touch of Milan’s unique expertise.

Tomatillo: 1 Delicious Recipe With Tomatillo

Tomatillo The tomatillo looks like a tomato. It tastes like a tomato that's been sprinkled with lemon juice. Its name means "little tomato" in Spanish. But even though its monikers include the husk tomato, Mexican green...

Bougainvillea: How To Grow And Care For 9 Bougainvillea Varieties

Bougainvillea The Bougainvillea grows in the Amazon rainforest in South America, like Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. 9 Varieties of Bougainville I Prefer Bougainvillea Alba is a vigorous, woody, evergreen climber with short thorns and...
Hanging Succulents

Hanging Succulents: 4 Vibrant Plants To Hang

Hanging Succulents Many people choose to create a hanging succulents garden to add color to their backyard. Colorful succulents and ferns are the most popular variety of hanging gardens. Succulents of vibrant gold, blue and green,...
Purple Waffle Plant

Purple Waffle Plant Information Details

Purple Waffle Plant Hemigraphis alternata is also called the purple waffle plant. It makes a thick ground cover 4-6 inches high with wavy leaves with purple undersides. Scientific name: Hemigraphis Alternata "Exotica." High light: Produces a rich...
Moss Pole

Moss Pole: Your Houseplants Will Thank You

Moss Pole for your Houseplants Moss poles can be used to encourage your plants to grow up instead of down or horizontally. This plant care guide will show you how to use a Moss Pole...
Lime Tree

Lime Tree: Planting And 4 Easy Care Tips

Lemon Tree Lime trees are great houseplants and decorations in the garden during warmer months. But how do you grow one? The British lemon trees and other citrus plants don't have the ability to withstand extreme...

Dipladenia Vs Mandevilla: 6 Best Growing Tips

1. Understand the Difference: Dipladenia and Mandevilla are climbing plants from the same family, known for their stunning trumpet-shaped flowers. However, Dipladenia is more of a bushy plant, while Mandevilla is a vigorous vine....

Plumeria Growing And Caring Tips

Plumeria Plumerias are tropical trees that are known for their stunning flowers. These beautiful flowering trees are common in South Florida, Hawaii, and other tropical areas. The famous lei (floral garlands) made from plumeria flowers are found...
Leatherleaf Viburnum

Leatherleaf Viburnum Growing And Care

Leatherleaf Viburnum The leatherleaf viburnum is a large, fast-growing evergreen or semi-evergreen distinguished by its large, beautiful, almost oblong, or elliptical crinkled leaves that turn purple in the fall. The purplish leaves often remain on the...

Dracaena Plant: 8 Essential Care Tips

Dracaena Squat, with a full head of strappy, green leaves, dracaena is an ideal houseplant. The plant tolerates low light, low humidity, and even temporarily dry soil. With age, dracaena's appearance changes, becoming graceful as starbursts...