Baby’s Tear Plant – How to Grow Baby’s Tear Plant


Baby’s Tear Plant

Babys Tear Plant

The Helxine soleirolii is a low-growing plant often found in terrariums or bottle gardens.

Usually referred to as the baby’s tear plant, it may also be known under other common names such as Corsican curse, Corsican carpet plant, Irish moss (not to be confused with Sagina Irish moss) mind-your-own-business.

Baby’s tear care is easy, and this houseplant will provide additional interest to the home.

Growing Baby’s Tear Plant

The Baby’s tear has a moss-like appearance with small round green leaves on fleshy stems.

Mainly sought out for its low growing habit (6 inches (15 cm.) tall by 6 inches (15 cm.) broad) and strikingly green leaves, this plant lacks a truly vibrant bloom.

The flowers of the baby’s tear incline to be relatively concealed.

This member of the Urticaceae group prefers an elated humidity degree with the somewhat moist ground, ideal for terrariums and alike.

Its extending, creeping shape also works well draped ornamentally over the edge of a container or maybe pinched off to create a small dramatic mound of tight apple green leaves.

Due to its spreading propensity, the baby’s tear plant works well as a ground cover too.

How to Grow Baby’s Tear Houseplant

The fragile baby’s tear is like medium to high moisture, which can be easily achieved in a terrarium environment as they retain water.

The plant flourishes in a medium exposure setting, average daylight. Baby’s tear houseplant can be planted in regular potting soil kept lightly moistened.

Although the baby’s tear houseplant enjoys higher humidity, it also needs good air circulation, so consider this when adding the plant to a terrarium or bottle garden.

Do not cover the terrarium if including this plant. Baby’s tear is simple to propagate. Press any attached stem or shoot into the moist rooting medium.

In relatively short order, new roots will have formed, and the new plant may be cut from the parent plant.

A couple of the most often used names contain Paddy’s wig and Irish moss – though, it’s not a moss.

Other Names For Baby’s Tear Plant

A few actual moss plants have a prevalent name, Irish moss.

Other usual names for Soleirolia soleirolii or Helxine soleirolii contain:

  • Angel’s tears
  • Bread and cheese
  • Bits and pieces
  • Corsican creeper
  • Corsican curse
  • Friendship plant
  • Pollyanna vine
  • Mind-Your-Own-Business

On the top of the long list of names, most people call it baby’s tears.

No matter what you call it, use proper care to keep it alive for ma

The Corsican creeper supplies appropriate ground envelope in USDA toughness zones 9 to 11.

It seldom stretches more than 4” in height, but it may extend a couple of feet, adding a matted carpet of delicate green leaves.

In cooler regions, cultivate it in a pot and bring it inside for the winter.

While it looks fragile, this low-growing plant thrives rapidly and may engulf other plants.

When grown close to the wall or structure, it can even begin to climb.

Flowering and Fragrance

Baby tears create a collection of delicate white flowers and round foliage during the spring.

Sadly, it rarely grows flowers when cultivated.

It’s predominantly grown for its mesmerizing foliage.

The green foliage of this tiny plant looks like a dense mat or carpet of small leaves.

Two-color variants are around, ‘Aurea’ with golden leaves and ‘Variegata’ with white dapple.

Light and Temperature

Baby’s tears thrive best in locations with sunny locations, but best in bright indirect light or partial shade and not direct sun.

The plant may tolerate frost. If grown in a cold region, take it inside during the winter to avert, turning the plant into a pile of black slush.

During the summertime, it can tolerate hot temperatures and a high level of humidity.

Being an outdoor plant, baby tears grow best in temperatures of 50° to 70° deg. Fahrenheit (10° C – 21° C).

NOTE: Baby tears need more water during scorching temperatures as the heat makes the plant and soil dry.

Watering and Feeding

Alternately watering the soil from the top, pour water into the saucer, and let the root ball soak up the water.

Check the moist soil often to ensure it remains optimal, but do not allow the potting mix to get damp.

The delicate baby’s tear demands mild to high humidity and proper air circulation.

A commercial potting ground lightened with peat moss or perlite provides a healthy growing medium.

The plant may not require as much water during the winter, but it still needs watering to avoid drying out.



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