Coconut Tree Growing From Store Bought Coconut, 6 Easy Steps


Coconut Tree

Coconut Tree

Can I grow a coconut tree from a store-bought coconut if I plant it just right?
You people just never run out of things to wonder about, do you? That’s OK with me. I need the work.

Yes, you could grow a coconut palm with coconut from the store, but it wouldn’t be easy.

For starters, I am told coconuts grow best between the latitudes 25-degrees north and 25 south. Phoenix is at 33-some degrees north.

And even if you did get one going, it would be at least nine months before it sprouted and seven years before it bore fruit.

Did you know a coconut is a drupe? That means it is a fleshy fruit with its seed encased in a hard stone, like cherries and stuff like that.

However, if you have decided to go ahead with this, here’s what to do:

First, of course, you’ll need a coconut.

Pick one that still has the husk on it, and make sure you can hear the juice sloshing around inside.

Put the coconut on the ground to see which way it naturally rests, and then plant it in that position in a 3-gallon pot.

Plant it about halfway down in a mix of about 60 percent soil and 40 percent coarse sand.

Water it enough to keep the soil lightly moist, but the coconut will rot if you overdo the watering.

Partial shade works best. I read that it takes temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees for the seed to germinate, but I don’t know that for a fact.

Take Care of Your Coconut Tree

Once your tree has begun to grow, there are a few things you can do to keep it healthy.

The first thing you should do is water your coconut tree often. You don’t have to water the tree as often as necessary, so long it drains well.

To ensure that the soil drains well if you are going to repot your coconut trees, make sure to add vermiculite or sand to the new soil.

A second reason is that coconut palms require heavy-feeding fertilizers. You should choose a fertilizer that provides basic nutrients and trace nutrients such as boron, manganese, and magnesium.

Coconut palms are susceptible to cold. Your coconut palm will need to be moved inside if it is cold outside.

You should provide additional light and keep it out of direct sunlight. It is best to grow your coconut tree outdoors in the summer.

Container-grown coconut trees tend to be less productive. Although they may live only five to six years, it is still a great project.

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