What is a Clove of Garlic, Is Garlic a Vegetable?




What is a Clove of Garlic

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That little crescent shape you see on the photo below is a clove of garlic.

Garlic Clove

If you break up a bulb of garlic, the result is a couple of smaller cloves. You will find an entry for a few garlic cloves in many garlic recipes, typically two or three.

Here I am talking exclusively about Organic Garlic, not about the Garlic you can find in Shopping malls or Commercial stores.

While commercially grown Garlic may have a similar taste, it has very few nutritional benefits compared to its Organic cousin.

When you purchase Garlic, you’re buying a bulb of garlic.

What Is Clove Of Garlic


Is Garlic a Vegetable

In Botanically tems, garlic (Allium sativum) is deemed to be a vegetable

Garlic is predominantly used as a spice. It is rarely used in large quantities compared to other Vegetables. Mostly, a small amount is added to dishes due to its potent taste.

How to Grow Garlic

Growing garlic is truly simple. First, you need to take out cloves from the bulb once you have prepared soil. Plant the cloves 5 to 7″ apart from each other and make sure the rows are at least 1 foot apart.

The cloves must be planted with the pointy end facing up and the blunt end facing down. Press each clove 2″ into the soil, firm the ground around it, and if needed, water soil.

When to Plant Garlic

Autumn Planting

Plant cloves in mid-autumn in a sunny location with rich, well-drained soil. Set cloves root side down 4 6″ apart in rows 1 1/2 to 2′ apart, then cover with 1 2″ of good soil.

In the North, get rid of 6″ of mulch for winter weather protection. Garlic may begin development late in spring or perhaps early in spring.

Spring Planting

Plant cloves as early in spring as soil may be worked, about the same period as onion sets. Spring planted garlic must certainly be put in the soil the same way as in the autumn.

When to Harvest and Proper Storage Methods

Harvesting Garlic

You will understand when you should harvest garlic when the majority of the leaves have turned brown color.

This typically occurs in mid-July to early August, based on the climate.
You might dig the bulbs in place at this particular point, being cautious never about bruising them.

If the light bulbs are left in the soil too long, they could separate and won’t store well.
Lay the garlic plants out to dry out for two or three weeks in a shady location with excellent air circulation.

Make sure you take the garlic plant herbs in if rainfall is forecasted for the area.

When the roots feel dry and brittle, run them off, along with any loose soil.

Please don’t get the bulbs wet or perhaps break them apart. The plants will not last as long.

Often connect the garlic in bunches, braid the leaves, or perhaps cut the stem above the bulb if you plan to place them in wooden boxes.

Hang the braids and bunches or perhaps store the loose-fitting bulbs on screens or possibly slatted shelves in a great, airy location.

You might wish to put aside several of probably the largest bulbs for replanting in the autumn.

Throughout the winter season, you need to check out your saved garlic bulbs frequently and promptly use any that show sprouting signs.

Each set (bulb) comprises many cloves, held collectively by a thin, papery covering. Before planting, break cloves apart.

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic Is extremely Nutritious But Has Hardly any Calories

Calorie for caloric, garlic is incredibly nutritious.

One clove (three grams) of raw garlic has:

Manganese: two % of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin B6: two % of the DV
Vitamin C: one % of the DV
Selenium: one % of the DV Fiber: 0.06 grams

Modest quantities of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, metal, and vitamin B1 This comes with 4.5 excess calories, 0.2 grams of proteins, and one g of carbohydrates.

Garlic also has trace amounts of some other nutrients. Actually, it has a small amount of anything you need.


Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Like the Common Cold Garlic dietary supplements, is known to increase the immune system’s performance.

A big, 12-week study found that an everyday garlic supplement reduced the number of colds by sixty-three % compared with a placebo.

The typical length of cold symptoms had also been reduced by seventy %, from five times in the placebo group to 1.5 times in the garlic team.

Another study discovered that a significant dose of aged garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) reduced the number of days sick with cold or perhaps flu by sixty-one %

Nevertheless, one review concluded the evidence is more and insufficient research is required.

Despite the absence of strong evidence, adding garlic to your diet plan may be well worth trying if you frequently get colds.


The Active Compounds in Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure Cardiovascular diseases like strokes and heart attacks would be the world’s most significant killers.

Hypertension is among the foremost drivers of these illnesses.

Human studies discovered garlic dietary supplements to reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension significantly.

In a single study, 600 1,500 mg of aged garlic extract was equally helpful as the medication Atenolol at decreasing blood pressure over 24 weeks.

Supplement doses must be rather high to get the desired effects. The amount needed is equal to approximately 4 cloves of garlic each day.


Garlic Improves Cholesterol amounts, Which might Lower the chance of Heart problems. Garlic can reduce total as well as LDL cholesterol.

For all those with high cholesterol, garlic supplements seem to reduce total or LDL cholesterol by approximately 10 15 %.

Looking at LDL (the “bad” HDL and) (the “good”) cholesterol especially, garlic seems to lower LDL but does not have any sure impact on HD.

High triglyceride levels are an additional recognized risk factor for heart disorders, but garlic appears to don’t have any substantial consequences on triglyceride levels.


Eating Garlic Might help Detoxify Heavy Metals in the Body.

The sulfur compounds in garlic have been proven to defend against organ damage from big metal toxicity at big doses.

A four-week study in workers of an automobile battery grows (excessive publicity to direct) discovered that garlic reduced lead levels in the blood by nineteen %.

Additionally, it decreased numerous clinical symptoms of toxicity, like headaches as well as blood pressure.

3 doses of garlic every day also outperformed the drug D penicillamine in reducing symptoms.


Garlic Is not difficult to Put in The Diet and Tastes Absolutely Delicious. The final one is not a wellness advantage but is still essential.

Garlic is quite easy (and) is delicious to put in the current diet.

It enhances most savory dishes, especially sauces and soups. The powerful taste of garlic may also include a punch to usually bland recipes.

Garlic comes in a few forms, from smooth pastes and whole cloves to supplements and powders like garlic and extract oil.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that you will find some drawbacks to garlic, like bad breath. Additionally, some individuals are sensitive to it.

If you suffer from a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning medications, talk to your doctor before boosting your garlic intake.

A typical approach to use garlic is usually to press a couple of cloves of new garlic with a garlic press, then mix it with extra virgin coconut oil along with a little bit of salt.

This a proper and very satisfying dressing.


Over thousands of years, garlic was praised by many cultures to have medicinal properties.

Modern science has finally confirmed it.

However, Let me emphasize the importance of Garlic origin, make sure to buy only organic Garlic either for planting or direct use in your diet.