Baby‘s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata)


Fall In Love With Baby‘s Breath (Gypsophila Paniculata)

Babys breath

Baby‘s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata) is a mild annual that is native to Eastern Europe. Its horticultural name approximately transcribes into Gypsum-loving, because of its tendency to grow on chalky, salty soils.

The clouds of miniature, gentle flowers that the plants bear are greatly coveted in bridal flower arrangements and are generally combined with diverse flowers like roses and lilies.

Current-day bridal preparations, like the one set up by my colleague, generally do away with the extra flowers and consist simply of clouds of exquisite Baby‘s Breath panicles.

While most commercially accessible Baby‘s Breath is developed in poly houses under supervised conditions, it isn’t hard to grow them at home.

They do nicely in cooler climates, go for the drier, cooler times of the year to germinate.

Growing Baby’s Breath At Home

This means if you wish to grow some at home, chop-chop! Now’s the moment! Baby‘s breath seeds are minuscule, so you should sow them precisely in a well-draining container loaded with a 2:1:1 mix of garden soil, coco peat, and compost, and cover the seeds slightly with the same medium.

Cap the pot with paper for about a week, until you see the seeds germinate. Next place it out in a limited to fully sunny spot for a month, while the seedlings grow.

You can transplant or thin the seedlings out at this time if the pot is getting crowded. In about two months, your plants are inclined to put out their gossamer webs of pleasing tiny flowers.

At only 4ft in height, it is perfect for tumbling along the front of the border or for washing over walls and banks.

The performance begins in early June and continues until late summer, almost without interruption.

All that is required for a repeat performance the following season is for the plant to be left undisturbed so that the fleshy roots can run deep into the earth.

Enjoy them on the plants, or cut a spray or two to make a stylish flower arrangement at a banquet party!