Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions

Perlite and Vermiculite Similar Yet Contrary

Perlite and Vermiculite If you have even one plant growing in your home or office, I can virtually guarantee that its soil contains perlite, vermiculite, or both. But I would also speculate that most...
Feeding Plants

Feeding Plants The Natural Way: 9 Recipes

Feeding Plants The Natural Way Did you know there's a whole garden center right by your back door? No, this isn't a shopping-deprived gardener's fantasy brought on by too long in lockdown. All over your house and...
Organic Lawns Success

Organic Lawns Success: How to Get Lush Green Lawn

Organic Lawns Success There is no doubt about it; cultivating an organic lawn is one of the most significant challenges faced by any gardener. After all, lawns entirely devoted to grass do not exist in nature...
How to Grow a Vegetable Garden

How to Grow A Vegetable Garden In A Small Place

Have you ever considered how to grow a vegetable garden? Imagine stepping into your backyard and picking fresh, organic vegetables to cook for dinner. Sounds like a dream, right? It's easier than you think! We'll...
Video Games for Gardeners

4 Best Video Games for Gardeners

Best Video Games for Gardeners Winter is the one season that is so difficult for us as gardeners. The colder conditions potentially affect our plants, trees, and shrubbery. It’s also a time when we can’t...
Companion Planting

Companion Planting: A Natural Boost for Your Garden

Companion planting isn't a new trend, but it's one that's gaining a lot of attention for all the right reasons. Whether you're aiming for natural pest control or just want to see those veggies...

White Grubs Approved Control Methods

White Grubs Control White grubs are the larval stages of beetles and are easily identifiable due to their characteristic white C-shaped body. The annual white grub, whose adult is the tan chafer beetle, is much...

Wheelbarrow 2022: The Best Models You Can Buy

At GardenFrontier, we understand the importance of having a reliable and sturdy wheelbarrow in your gardening arsenal. A good wheelbarrow can make all the difference in ease and efficiency when transporting heavy loads of...
High Quality Garden Tools

Investing in High Quality Garden Tools

Elevate your gardening game with our guide to high quality garden tools. From Japanese craftsmanship to ergonomic designs, find the perfect tools to create a beautiful and thriving garden. Gardening can be fun and...
Watering Can

TOP 10 Watering cans ; MAKE dousing plants fun

Top 10 Watering Cans Watering cans in all sizes and shapes, from playful to simple and sleek, regardless of if you are starting to hone your gardening skills or have long years of experience, you...