Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions
Do Plants Like Humidifiers

Do Plants Like Humidifiers And Houseplants Care

Do Plants Like Humidifiers? Most plants will favor extra humidity. The real world is substantially wetter than our indoor areas, and if you can raise the humidity grades in your home, most of your plants...
Aloe Vera Plants

Aloe Vera Plants: How To Make Your Own Magic Aloe Vera Shampoo

How To Grow Aloe Vera And Treat The Skin When most folks hear the word "aloe," they think of skin lotion or shampoo. Even gardeners tend to focus on Aloe vera plants, a Canary Islands...
Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Fiddle-Leaf Fig Plant: 8 Great Tips You Can’t Afford To Miss

Ultimate Care For Your Fiddle-Leaf  The fiddle-leaf fig can rise to about 50 feet, producing a 25- to 30-foot crown and various cinnamon-brown trunks with stems that support leaves about 15 inches in length and...

Popular Houseplants: Strategies For Beginners

Look At The Popular Houseplants Popular Houseplants can be just the green object that lives in the corner of your store - oppressed and leaning pitifully toward outdoor light. Houseplants can be the skinny dust-covered desperados...
14 Easiest Houseplants

How To Start The 14 Easiest Houseplants: You Can Buy Online With Less Than...

The 14 Easiest Houseplants Here are 14 easiest houseplants that are difficult to kill and look excellent anywhere. Nothing surpasses the natural beauty and calming atmosphere of a houseplant. But the benefits of plant ownership extend...
Echeveria Miranda

Echeveria Miranda: 12 Little-known Echeveria Varieties

A Low-Maintenance Houseplant The Echeveria Miranda is a beautiful houseplant. Although it prefers direct sunlight, this plant is tolerant of less water and can thrive without extra fertilizer. It is drought-tolerant and prefers well-draining soil. It...
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo: 3 Secrets To Lucky Bamboo Use

The Ultimate Guide To Lucky Bamboo Lucky bamboo does look remarkably like bamboo. The stalks are generally between one-half and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with a tuft of strappy leaves emerging from their...
Aphelandra Squarrosa

Zebra Plants: Tropical But Easy To Grow

Zebra Plant Indoors There are few plants as stunning and handsome looking like a zebra plant. Its distinct stripes set it apart from all other houseplants. Aphelandra squarrosa is known as the zebra plant because...
Ponytail Palms

The Truth About Ponytail Palm In 3 Minutes

Fascinating Ponytail Palm The plant is beaucarnia guatemalensis, commonly referred to as ponytail palm. A short-leafed beaucarnia is much more compact than its counterpart b. recurvata has long trailing leaves that can grow to 5...
Areca Palm

Areca Palm: 2 Easy Methods Of Propagating

What Is Areca Palm While regarded primarily as an aesthetic plant, the Areca palm embellishing your home is a fantastic air humidifier and toxin extractor. The Areca Palm, one of the most prominent nursery plants, adorns...