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Prayer Plant

How to Care for a Prayer Plant: 4 Easy Steps To Propagate Prayer Plant

The prayer plant (Maranta) was named for its response to light and dark. During the day, the broad, oblong leaves spread out flat in the full ornamental display. With darkness, the leaves fold upwards into...
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo: 3 Secrets To Lucky Bamboo Use

The Ultimate Guide To Lucky Bamboo Lucky bamboo does look remarkably like bamboo. The stalks are generally between one-half and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with a tuft of strappy leaves emerging from their...
Hoya Carnosa

Hoya Carnosa: 10 Important Tips For Growing

Hoya Carnosa Popularly known as the wax plant (Hoya carnosa, Heb. Batsheva) or the porcelain flower the hoya has an artificial look. Easy and undemanding by nature, hoyas will grow in most situations except in...
Pitcher Plants

Pitcher Plants Care And Growing Tips

Pitcher Plants PITCHER plants are fascinating because their pitchers catch, drown and digest insects. In Peninsular Malaysia, there are three endemic species, all of which grow in the mountains. Pitcher plants lure insects to their doom with sweet-smelling nectar...
Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot Plant: Charming And Inexpensive Plant

Polka Dot Plant This is the correct time of the year when many gardeners seek a new houseplant to cheer them, and a fine example is the inexpensive but charming Polka Dot Plant. Also called the...
dracaena trifasciata

Dracaena Trifasciata: 3 Ways To Propagate A Snake Plant And Make Your New Plant...

Snake Plant - Dracaena Trifasciata Dracaena trifasciata still recognized as the snake plant is among the most well-established and enduring kinds of plants for the home. It was until 2017 that it was segregated botanically...
Song of India

Introducing the Song of India: A Tropical Wonder

The Song of India, also known as Pleomele or Dracaena reflexa Song of India, is a captivating tropical shrub with striking foliage and air-purifying qualities. Native to Madagascar, Mauritius, and Mozambique, it has become...
Cyclamen Plant

Cyclamen Plant Care Plus 5 Reblooming Tips

Basic Cyclamen Plant Care The correct temperature is the first step in cyclamen care. Cyclamens thrive in cool, damp settings in the wild. Your cyclamen will slowly wilt if the temperature inside your home exceeds 68...
Calathea Medallion

Calathea Medallion And 4 Essential Care Tips

Calathea Medallion Calathea medallion, also known as Calathea Veitchiana, is one of the most eye-striking low-light plants. Because of their large, medallion-like leaves, which have a bright green top and deep burgundy underside, are very...
Cebu Blue Pothos

Cebu Blue Pothos: A Low-Maintenance Indoor Plant That Adds Beauty to Your Space

Cebu Blue Pothos, also known as Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue,' is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. This plant has become increasingly popular indoors because of its easy-care nature, beautiful appearance, and air-purifying...