Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions
Golden Euonymous

Golden Euonymous Grow And 3 Essential Care Tips

Golden Euonymous Golden euonymous shrubs, Euonymus japonicus ('Aureomarginatus'), can add color and texture to your garden. This evergreen has a forest-green color and is trimmed in bright yellow. It's an excellent choice for accent plants or...

Dichondra Information And Growing Tips

Dichondra Dichondra repens, or kidney weed, in an attractive and useful groundcover. It may be used as a lawn substitute, growing successfully in most climates. Dichondra is a small, prostrate, perennial herb that takes root at the nodes....
Cyrtomium falcatum

Holly Fern: Growing And General Information

Holly Fern Holly fern is a handsome, cold-hardy plant that deserves more use in Central Florida landscapes. This Asian fern (Cyrtomium falcatum) grows up to 30 inches tall and 48 inches wide in the moderate-to-deep...
Montauk Daisy

Montauk Daisy Growing Tips And History

Montauk Daisy Montauk daisies (Nipponanthemum nipponicum) are in full bloom in my garden as late as Christmas. The flowers of the Montauk daisy have white petals with bright yellow centers and look much like the blooms...
Quinault Strawberries

Quinault Strawberries: 8 Other Delicious Berries

Quinault Strawberries Quinault strawberries are a cultivar capable of producing two harvests per annum: one in the spring, the early summer, and another in the fall. They are prolific during these two seasons but can also...
Peacock Plant

Peacock Plant – Calathea Makoyana Growing

Peacock Plant Calathea makoyana peacock houseplants are often part of indoor collections. However, some gardeners claim they can be difficult to grow. These simple tips will help you take care of Calathea's peacock plant and create...
Mexican Sage

Mexican Sage Growing And Caring Tips

Mexican Sage Mexican Sage Salvia leucantha Growth habit: An upright bushy perennial growing to 4-feet tall. Light: Plant in the full sun. Water needs: Survives with normal rainfall. Feedings: Apply a balanced fertilizer in February, June, and...
weeping pussy willow

Weeping Pussy Willow: Other Willows Varieties

Weeping pussy willow, look no further if you're looking for something to add to your garden in early spring that will bring out the beauty of the landscape. You can start growing weeping willows (Salix...
Lithodora Diffusa

Lithodora Diffusa Growing And Care Tips

Lithodora Diffusa What is Lithodora? This ground cover, botanically known as Lithodora diffusa, produces large quantities of star-shaped, tiny flowers that are intensely blue from late spring through most of summer. Lithodora grown in gardens can...
Sun Star Plant

Sun Star Plant Growing And Caring Tips

Sun Star Plant Sun star plant, (Ornithogalum Dubium), is a South African flowering bulb plant. It can be cultivated in USDA zones 7 to 11 and produces beautiful clusters of bright orange flowers. Orange Star Plants...