Grevilleas Are Amazing Australian Plants: 10 Most Common Grevillea Plants


There Is A Something To Like About Grevilleas


Grevilleas are, without a doubt, one of the most well-known Australian plant families. They require little maintenance, use little water, and produce beautiful flowers.

Most species also have the added benefit of luring birds and insects with their profusion of nectar.

Grevilleas are named in honor of Charles Greville, a founding member of the Royal Horticultural Society and a friend and supporter of numerous botanists in the 18th century, including Sir Joseph Banks.

Grevilleas come in a wide range of heights, from low-growing, prostrate plants to enormous trees like the 30-meter-tall G. robusta.

Main Varieties Of Grevillea

This Grevillea, often called the Silky Oak, is frequently cultivated as a focal point in expansive gardens where its grey bark, dark green, ferny foliage, and gorgeous golden/orange blossoms may be wholly appreciated.

Grevillea thelemanniana, an exceptionally exquisite specimen at the low end of the height scale, comes in various forms, from shrubs to those with a prostrate growth habit.

Grevillea t., also known as the spider net grevillea due to its finely divided foliage, is a naturally occurring plant in Western Australia primarily restricted to the Darling Ranges.

It has clusters of pink or red flowers with yellow tips and beautiful dark green, lacey foliage.

Although it is known to adapt to other soil types, it may be found growing in alkaline, sandy soils, so it should do well under similar conditions in cultivation.

This adaptable grevillea has many uses in gardens, especially in drought-tolerant landscaping projects.

Along with the taller varieties, there are prostrate and low-growing varieties, such as G. ‘Baby,’ G. ‘Green Gem,’ which has darker foliage, and G. ‘Mini Mavel,’ which has denser growth.

Use And Maintenance Of Grevillea

The proper arrangement can be used to great advantage to create the appearance of depth in a tiny garden. As groundcovers, they aid in inhibiting the growth of weeds and serve as a living mulch to conserve moisture.

Although they will thrive in a shaded area, grevilleas prefer the sun; if grown in the shade, they get lanky and produce fewer flowers.

Grevilleas dislike having their feet wet; therefore, it’s crucial for healthy, robust plants to grow on soil that drains rather well.

They will grow well in a clay loam as long as it is well-drained, so this does not imply that you need sandy soil.

A question always asked is what the best Grevilleas are for a Winter flowering garden to attract birds to the garden.

10 Spider Or Claw Flowering Grevilleas

The following are some of the Spider or Claw flowering Grevilleas I have seen in full flower during my walks this last week.

Grevillea Austraflora Canterbury Gold is a fast-growing semi-prostrate shrub 50cm x 2-3m across soft green foliage. Yellow claw flowers appear all year round.

It prefers a sunny, well-drained place and is quite hardy. Grevillea Austraflora Canterbury Gold is also attractive to honeyeaters.

Grevillea Boongala Spinebill is a small to medium-sized shrub 1-1.5m x 1.5m with deeply serrated dark green foliage and deep red toothbrush flowers all year.

It prefers a sunny, thoroughly-drained place and is truly attractive and hardy. It is adored by honeyeaters and is suitable for use as a low hedge or screen.

The blooms of the Grevillea Boongala Spinebill are also perfect cut flowers.

Grevillea Clearview David is an evergreen medium to tall dense shrub with a vigorous growth habit, dark green prickly leaves, and bright red flowers during winter and spring.

It likes an open sunny, well-drained position and is frost tolerant. It attracts nectar-feeding birds to the garden and can be lightly pruned to shape.

Grevillea Evelyn‘s Coronet would be one of the most attractive flowering Grevilleas for Central Queensland gardens. The crown-like flower heads, pink and grey, make a unique floral feature.

These woolly flowers are massed on the shrub most of the year. Grevillea Evelyn’s Coronet is a dense small shrub growing to 2m high. This shrub’s shape will be enhanced by judicious pruning.

Grevillea Fireworks is one of the hardiest small Grevilleas for exposed conditions. Masses of orange and red spider flowers cover the plant during Winter and Spring.

Best suited to well-drained soils, Grevillea Fireworks grows to 1m high by 1m wide.

Grevillea Lady O is a hardy cascading shrub bearing clusters of bright red flowers all year round. It is suited to well-drained soils and grows to 1m high by 1m wide.

It is excellent in hot, dry positions but will tolerate some shade. It attracts nectar-feeding birds to the garden and can be lightly pruned to shape.

Grevillea lanigera or Woolly Grevillea is a small dense ground cover growing to 1.5m across delicate grey-green foliage.

It bears clusters of spider flowers containing the colors pink, cream, red and white during winter and spring. Grevillea lanigera requires a sunny, well-drained position. It is pretty hardy and salt tolerant.

Grevillea Little Miss Muffet is a medium shrub 2m x 1.5m with narrow dark green leaves. Masses of pink spider-like clusters of flowers are produced most of the year.

That will make a stunning display in the garden when this shrub is in flower. It will attract honeyeaters and requires a sunny, well-drained position.

Grevillea Old Gold is an attractive low shrub with attractive golden new growth. Bird attracting showy gold and coral-pink bunched flowers will appear throughout the year.

Grevillea Old Gold will grow between half a meter to a meter high and up to a meter wide. Grevillea Old Gold is frost, drought tolerant, and suitable for coastal and western locations.

Grevillea Winpara Gold is a fast-growing bushy, erect shrub with delicate, soft dark green leaves silvery beneath.

It bears spider flowers of yellow with pink stamens most of the year, with the most profuse flowering in winter.

Grevillea Winpara Gold is frost-hardy and requires little water once established.
All of these Grevilleas would well make a spectacular specimen, so check with your local nursery now.


Pests and illnesses rarely cause problems for grevilleas. The most significant pest is probably scale, and improper drainage might lead to root infections.

With more than 300 kinds, grevilleas are the perfect plants for individuals new to gardening. You are sure to find several that will work in your garden.