How to Get Rid of Kitchen Ants: 6 Creative Ways to Avoid a Home Infestation


Home Infestation Remedy

How to Get Rid of Kitchen Ants

You may be wondering how to get rid of kitchen ants. While it may seem like a daunting task, it is actually quite easy.

In the following paragraphs, we will cover some of the easiest and most effective methods to remove unwanted visitors.

Ants can present a serious problem in the home, specifically in the kitchen, where there is food and drink. The main question is, how do you permanently get rid of them?

During warm seasons, ants are known to invade people’s houses in search of food and water, and the kitchen is the most appealing spot for them to go.

These hungry insects prefer crumbs of sugary food, seeds, and grains, and the sink is another enticing spot for them to visit.

Sadly, there is no quick method to get rid of ants in your home permanently, However, you can try a few options we will talk about here.

How to Get Rid of Kitchen Ants

The majority of ants found in our homes are not dangerous to people, although they can be unsanitary if permitted to scuttle around the kitchen.

If you do have an infestation, the killer spray should be avoided in locations where food is prepared, thus it is recommended to use more natural methods instead.

There are numerous safe, chemical-free deterrents that will work wonderfully in your kitchen, but which ones should you try?


A few ants moving around your kitchen may appear harmless, but there are potentially hundreds more hidden in your home.

The best thing is, that you don’t have to look any further than your pantry to keep them out.

Seasonings and spices used in cooking can act as natural ant repellents; simply look for strong flavors such as pepper, garlic, cinnamon, curry powder, and salt.

These can be scattered around your sink or anywhere else you’ve spotted annoying ants looking for food in your kitchen.


The powdered residue from chalk will also keep ants away from food sources; simply sprinkle it on surfaces where you detect the pests.

Citrus and peppermint essential oils have a strong scent that ants cannot endure, similar to many herbs and spices.

Essential Oils

Naturally scented oils can be used to repel ants in a variety of methods, including sprays, soaks, and balms.

Dilute 10-20 drops of your preferred oil in a spray bottle filled with water to make an ant-deterrent spray.

Spritz your kitchen on a daily basis to prevent ants away from your fruit bowl and from crawling up cupboards and surfaces.

Drench a few cotton-wool balls in essential oil until the scent has been absorbed.
Place them near food and water sources, as well as in the corners of kitchen skirting boards and cabinets.

To make the scented balm, combine a few drops of scented oil with plain petroleum jelly.
To hold ants away from your food and utensils, smudge a good amount of the balm over the edges of cupboards, draining boards, and shelves.

To make an even stronger barrier, apply talcum powder on top of the sticky balm.
When the ants come into contact with and absorb the powder from the surface, they will be killed.

With Boiling Water

If you discover a swarm of ants running around your kitchen, boiling water is the most effective approach to get rid of them if they are near fruit or other recoverable food items.

Pour boiled water over the ants to rapidly kill them before removing them from your property.

While it will not eliminate a whole colony, it is an efficient approach to eliminate as many as possible in one shot.

Soapy Water

soapy water removes the odor of ant pheromones, which ants use to trace their path around your home.

They are unable to communicate with one another and will struggle to congregate in your kitchen without this aroma.

To keep the room smelling fresh, keep clean dishes soapy while they drip on the side and wash your surfaces with dish or hand soap.

Maintain A Clean Kitchen

Clean Kitchen

Preventing unwelcome bugs in the house is always the best cure, so keep your floors and surfaces clean – especially during the summer, when ants are most active.

Ants don’t need much food to penetrate your kitchen, so even a few crumbs or a dropped drink can catch you off guard.

Change your bin as soon as it smells or becomes full, and periodically wipe down surfaces to reduce stickiness.

Block off entry points with any of the natural techniques listed above to prevent current ants from accessing food and water supplies in your home while preventing new bugs from entering.