How To Stop Plants From Wilting In The Heat: 5 Methods To Revitalize Your Plants


How To “Bring Your Plants Back To Life” And Stop Them From Wilting In The Heat

How To Stop Plants From Wilting

How to stop plants from wilting during the warmer months of the year? Wilting plants are a common issue, but with the proper care, the impacts of the heat can be reduced.

Here are five summertime methods for revitalizing your plants.

While many people eagerly await the arrival of warmer weather, others may be concerned about how their plants will do in the oppressive heat.

Inevitably, some negative consequences will affect many plants. But there are some steps you can take to lessen heat damage to your plants.

Due to their larger leaves, some plants, like succulents, are skilled at surviving in hotter environments, while others tend to struggle.

If your plant appears to be wilting, you can infer that the heat affects it.

Yellowing or browning leaves, shriveling blooms, and drooping stems are all signs of wilting.

Your plant may die prematurely if these terrible consequences are disregarded. So, as soon as you notice it, take quick action.

5 Methods To Revitalize Your Plants And How To Stop Plants From Wilting

Here are five methods to put plants in the best possible position to withstand the heat wave and prevent them from wilting.

  • One of the most significant ways to rejuvenate and shield your plants from the heat is to water deeply at the plant’s stem for an extended period. This encourages roots to sink deeper into the soil.

The roots will be able to reach the water by being prodded further into the soil.

Many plants need to be watered once a week. However, the frequency will vary depending on your soil.

Water the area close to the plants’ bases until the soil is thoroughly saturated to a depth of about a foot. Vegetable vegetables may require a couple of extra deep watering routines in extreme heat.

Watering your plants early in the day when it is still not exposed to the sun will help reduce water evaporation.

  • Mulch is a covering applied to soil to help it retain moisture, control weeds, and maintain cool. It is often composed of grass clippings, pine needles, and shredded leaves.

As they degrade, organic mulches also enhance the soil’s structure, drainage, and ability to retain nutrients.

For best results, mulch the soil around your plants no more than two or three inches deep.

  • You can move your plants into larger, lighter-colored pots if they are wilting in their current containers.

If your containers are black, dark blue, or grey, moving them into pots of more neutral tones is advisable because dark colors absorb and retain heat.

Larger pots will provide more shade and better ventilation. Additionally, it’s crucial to check that your pots have adequate drainage holes to stop the roots from drowning.

  • Place a beach umbrella around the plants most need protection or hang some cloth.

It’s critical to ensure the material you choose provides adequate airflow and protection from the hot sun.

If you can only find one color of cloth, choose a lighter one because, as previously indicated, darker colors will absorb heat.

If shade cloths aren’t your thing, you can stimulate your plants’ growth by adding some extra nutrients.

However, ensure you understand the plant’s fertilizer requirements; however, organic products are always preferable.

  • In addition to mulch, slow-release fertilizers like Osmocote can help create a healthy nutritional foundation for your plants. Coffee grinds are also fantastic to sprinkle on the soil to revitalize your plants.


How Often Should I Water My Houseplant?

Keep it enclosed in a decorative pot made of plastic so that you can easily lift the pot to check its weight or merely keep an eye on the leaves; if they appear droopy, it’s time to water, and the same is true if the pot is light in weight.

For a more robust root system, it is usually preferable to let it consume all of the water before providing more. Don’t forget to let it drink the water from the bottom up.

What Are The Easiest Houseplants To Start With?

The easiest plants to grow are probably succulents and aloes, which can tolerate a bright window sill and store large amounts of water in their thick leaves.

There are many lovely species of aloes, which have spiky green or white marked foliage, and succulents, which have such lovely rosettes of leaves in colors ranging from blues to greens, reds to pinks.

When Should I Re-Pot My Houseplant?

Wait until the pot is filled with roots before giving it a squeeze. If it feels solid and you find a mat of roots when you knock it out, it’s time to repot the plant.

Depending on how big your plant is, choose a pot that is only marginally larger with 15 to 30 mm extra on either side, knock it out, pluck out the roots, and then repot it with houseplant compost.

After giving it a gentle watering and lightly pressing the compost into the soil, your plant will grow many new roots into the earth, enabling it to sprout lush new leaves.