Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) Care And Maintenance


Ming Aralia

Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa)

The native to the tropical regions in India in the tropics of India and Polynesia, Ming aralia is an intriguing and exotic houseplant that technically is an evergreen plant. 

Although it’s a little more challenging to cultivate than the typical plant, it is well worth the effort due to its fluffy, vibrant green leaves.

The leaves of this ferny plant fall from elegant, thin branches that rise straight upwards, creating an intricate, multi-layered plant. Ming aralia develops slowly, but it can grow to over 6 feet tall when adequately cared for. 

While it’s an ornamental plant for outdoor use in USDA zones 11, 12, and 13, it’s often kept indoors in the house, where it can be planted and nurtured throughout the year.

Caring For Ming Aralia 

If you’re experienced in caring for a range of houseplants, you’ll be able to handle Ming aralia without a problem. Although the plant has gained an image of being fussy through the years, it’s really as easy to maintain as any other plant that you’ve taken care of.

The most important factor in keeping Ming aralia healthy is the way it mimics its tropical home. Direct sunlight isn’t particularly vital to the plant however, the right temperature and humidity levels are.

Mess both of these or only one, and it’s a guarantee the chances are that your Ming aralia will not thrive. In addition, well-drained soil is crucial to keep the fine roots of the plant from becoming rotten.

It’s not just that Ming aralia creates an attractive houseplant It also comes with benefits of its own as well. It can be planted as a bonsai and can be used to symbolise harmony, peace, and harmony. It is also an excellent air purifier for your home. It also can help to eliminate harmful VOCs from indoor air.

Ming Aralia Maintenance

Regular watering, feeding as I can think of it, and sometimes using my fingers to pull a few dead leaves from the leaves is all it takes in order to ensure that the plant is looking nice. I had to repot the plant one time after it had outgrown the pot and then I made one cutting when the plant was threatening to crash into the cabinet overhead.

That’s it.

As for other plants that require me to fight with spider mites, scales, and mealybugs, as well as aphids, or whiteflies, none of these pests has ever given my ming aralia even a little small amount of attention.

The Ming Aralia is an easy-care houseplant that can be easily maintained in an open and bright space. However, If you’re looking for a plant that is easy to care for that can be shady and low light, the Chinese evergreen is the best choice.

The selection of species is extensive and growing with the variety of plants that have variegated green leaves that are beautifully engraved with white, silver, or yellow.

Chinese Evergreen
<span> <span style=font family Tahoma Arial Helvetica sans serif>Chinese Evergreen<span>

Contrary to the ming aralia that you might have to find, Chinese evergreen plants are readily available everywhere indoor plants are available.

A great choice for those who are prone tos neglecting their plants The Chinese evergreen will not be a problem when you allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings.

Additionally, it does not take a lot of fertilizer. In addition, insects rarely bother the Chinese evergreen.

I would like that all my houseplants were free of pests like the ming aralia and Chinese evergreens, but it isn’t the case. These preventive measures help keep the problem of pests under control.

Ming Aralia Details

Scientific name: Polyscias fruticosa

LightAralias prefer a high light location. Lower levels can be tolerated but often results in spindly growth.

Water: Allow the surface soil to dry to the touch between waterings. Excessive moisture may cause root rot.

Fertilization: Feed monthly with a half-strength houseplant product.

Propagation: Root 4- to 6-inch tip cuttings in a tray of moist vermiculite. Mature plants also can be air layered.

Special featuresAralias give the Oriental bonsai look without the special training. Specimens can grow 6 to 8 feet tall and enjoy their lacy foliage held on stiff upright stems that resemble tree trunks.

Small plants are an attractive accent for the desk but eventually will grow to display size. Grooming by occasionally pinching out the new growing tips helps shape the Ming aralia into a well-branched specimen.

Check frequently for mites and wash them off.