Pothos Yellow Leaves Causes and Solution


pothos yellow leaves

Pothos Yellow Leaves

Pothos yellow leaves often indicate rot of root. Pythium root rot is indicative, causing mature leaves to yellow and fall; the appearance of roots is blackish and soggy.

The pothos plant is deemed by many to be a great way to get started caring for houseplants.

Because pothos care is easy and undemanding, this lovely plant is an easy way to add some green to your home.

Caring for Pothos Plants

Essential pothos care is not hard—these plants like a wide range of environments.

They enjoy bright indirect light and low light and can be grown in dry soil or water vases.

They will do well in nutrient-rich soil and also do in nutrient-deprived soil.

These plants make a perfect addition to the bathroom or office as they can tolerate obscure light conditions.

Even though pothos likes a wide variety of light conditions, they do not do well in direct sunlight.

If your pothos is highly variegated, they may either not do well in low light or may even lose their variegation if the light is too low.

Only the leaves’ green parts can make energy for the plant, so it must get enough light for life, or its growth will slow, or the leaves will compensate for the lack of light by becoming more green.

Pothos Yellow Leaves Causes

The leaves of your pothos turning yellow for many different reasons; however, there is no need for panic.

Let’s check possible problems and get to the bottom of this.


A feeble or stressed Pothos is more likely susceptible to insect infestations. 

Sap-sucking bugs, such as spider mites, can suck your plant dry and leave it without required moisture. 

This particular problem rapidly manifests itself by yellowing leaflets and fronds.

Mealybugs, scales, and spider mites frequently manifest in the indoor environment.

 If not eradicated early on, these small pests proliferate and move all along frond parts into nooks and crannies. 

The insects’ sharp mouths exhaust your plant and speed up yellowing, mainly if your Pothos is already unhealthy from low lighting, a nutrient deficiency, or insufficient soil moisture.

Humidity level

Low humidity and dry soil cause leave to droop and brown on their edges, followed by a total color change to yellow or brown and causing leaf drop. 

Misting the leaves of your Pothos often will increase the humidity. 


The prevalent cause of Pothos yellow leaves plants is improper soil moisture, particularly over-watering. 

It would help if you watered your Pothos only when the top 25% of the pot’s soil content is dry.

The soil should stay damp but not wet or soggy.

It is acceptable to allow your plant to dry out a little more between waterings in the winter,

but make sure to boost the humidity around your plant with regular misting, a humidifier, or perhaps a pebble-tray.

 When watering your Pothos, be sure you provide ample water so that liquid oozes out of the draining hole at the lower part of the pot and into the saucer.

 It’s essential to discard any excess moisture in the saucer and not let the plant remain in any standing water. 

Pothos will not respond right to “wet feet,” which will cause the roots to rot and lead to the plant’s eventual death.

 Providing proper and consistent soil moisture is vital in caring for a Pothos.

Inadequate Light

Pothos will thrive best when placed in bright to medium indirect sunlight, but they will adapt to lower light if needed. However, if placed in shallow light, Pothos yellow leaves may show.

 Be careful you’re not putting your Pothos in full sun–when exposed to direct sunlight for too long, the foliage will burn. 


We’re sure your Pothos will return to normal in no-time if you’ve followed the steps above. However, if it still does not improve, ask for advice from your local nursery.

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