3 Myths About Real Estate In Turkey in 2023: What Areas Are The Best For Gardening


Myths About Real Estate In Turkey

If you are considering moving to Turkey, don’t believe everything you hear! There are many Myths About Real Estate In Turkey that are not true. While searching for property prices for sale in Mahmutlar, you may come across some inaccurate data, misleading figures, and overreactions of others.

Don’t let misinformation stop you from realizing your dream of owning your apartment on the Azure Mediterranean coast. Turkey is a beautiful and diverse country with much to offer, from breathtaking scenery to rich culture and history.

It is also a popular destination for real estate investment, as the country has experienced significant growth and success in recent years. Turkey is an excellent choice for purchasing a holiday home or an investment property.

A popular gardening trend in Turkey

In recent years, there has also been a focus on sustainable living and green spaces in Turkey. The country has introduced initiatives aimed at promoting eco-friendly living and reducing pollution. This has led to a growing interest in gardening and green living among many Turkish citizens and ex-pats.

There are a variety of gardening trends that are gaining popularity in Turkey. One trend is vertical gardens, which involve growing plants on walls, fences, and other vertical surfaces. This helps conserve space and adds a unique and natural touch to homes and buildings.

Another trend is the use of native plants and herbs in garden design. Turkey is home to many beautiful and fragrant plants well-suited for the country’s climate.

Some popular native plants include lavender, rosemary, and thyme. These plants not only add color and texture to gardens but also have many medicinal and culinary uses.

Additionally, there has been a growing interest in urban gardening and community gardens in Turkey. These initiatives aim to unite people and promote sustainable living by providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables grown in their neighborhoods.

Plants watering
Plants watering

Myth 1: Life in Turkey is costly

On the net, you can find information that life in Turkey is expensive, and the prices here are very high. Everything is relative.

Is it expensive to live in Turkey? Comparing prices for necessities such as food, transportation, and utilities is misleading.

Turkey is the cheapest country in Europe to live in, according to the Turkish Institute of Statistics results on the purchasing power of final consumption expenditures.

For example, a one-bedroom apartment in Mahmutlar can be rented for about $300 monthly. This is a very reasonable price, considering the average cost of renting out a one-bedroom apartment in some European capital, for example, is $1,000 per month.

Utilities in Turkey are also very affordable. For example, the average electricity, water, and garbage collection bill is only $50 per month. This is much less than for utilities in European countries.

Transportation costs in Turkey are also relatively low. A bus ticket costs about $0.50 on average, and a taxi ride will cost an average of $10.

You will be pleased with the price tag for medicines in pharmacies.

Is it reasonable to live in Turkey? Not only excellent but profitable! The first myth is debunked.

Myth 2: The Turkish government will be able to take the property after the death of the owner

The myth that the government will be able to take your property after death is also not true. Since 1982, the Turkish Constitution has clearly enshrined the right to private property.

Article 36, “Private property may not be taken except in cases where it is necessary for the public interest and subject to prior compensation by the law.”

Foremost, this is not beneficial for Turkey since the republic is interested in the inflow of foreign currency, including income received from the sale of real estate. No one will take anything from you; you can be calm. This is another myth.

Myth 3: There will be difficulties with the language, and therefore in all areas of life

Another popular myth is that not knowing the Turkish language will make it difficult for you to live in this country. The Turks are hospitable and will do their best to help if you need help.

English is the most common foreign language in Turkey. Many foreigners living and working in this country do not know the Turkish language, and this does not infringe on their rights in any way, does not prevent them from finding work, and does not complicate the life of non-residents.

Moreover, many companies specifically place ads in the search for employees with knowledge of foreign languages, so there will be no problems in finding a job either.

There will be no language barrier in the resort towns on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. In cities such as Mahmutlar and Alanya, there are many immigrants.

You can always hear your native speech in cafes, restaurants, shops, and pharmacies. Clinics often have staff fluent in foreign languages, such as English, French, and German.

And this is the whole truth about life in Turkey. Goodbye, another myth.


Real estate in Turkey

One of the main reasons why real estate in Turkey is so attractive is its affordability. Compared to other popular destinations like Spain, Portugal, and Italy, the cost of living and property prices are relatively low. This means you can get more value for your money and potentially see a higher return on investment.

Another factor contributing to Turkey’s real estate success is its stunning landscapes and coastline. Turkey boasts some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and natural scenery, making it an ideal location for those seeking a peaceful and tranquil home away from home.

Whether you prefer the buzzing city life or the quiet countryside, Turkey has something for everyone. Turk. The estate is a broker who will help you look for property in more than 640 cities and areas of the country.

A convenient search system allows you to apply more than 450 features to specify your search as much as possible. Finding real estate has never been as pleasant and convenient. Try it out now and become a proud owner of residential or commercial property in Turkey today! 


In conclusion, Turkey is an excellent choice for investing in real estate or exploring gardening and sustainable living trends.

With its beautiful landscapes, low cost of living, and growing emphasis on green living, Turkey is a unique and exciting destination for anyone seeking a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.