Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions

Anthurium Info On Growing In The Garden Or Home

Anthurium Information on Anthurium Anthurium can grow to 12-18 inches in height. Each stem is topped by a bright red, palette-shaped flower. The tail grows from the center and has a long, buff tail.  Although anthuriums were once...
House Planters

3 Best Indoor And Outdoor House Planters 2021

Indoor and Outdoor House Planters I often purchase many more plant species than I have house planters. This is a problem I am trying to fix, but as of now, I'll continue to Prime deliver...
Dracaena marginata

Dracaena Marginata: 1 Amazing Indoor Plant

What Is Dracaena Marginata Dracaena marginata is an upright plant that has a tuft of slender leaves sprouting from the top of a slender cane. The standard Dracaena marginata has green leaves with a red edge. The striped leaves of...
Majesty Palm

Majesty Palm: How To Grow And Care For A Majestic Palm

  How To Grow And Care For A Majesty Palm • Majesty palms are one of the substantial indoor houseplants, despite their limited growth rate. • Majesty palms are native to Madagascar and are fond of a...
dracaena trifasciata

Dracaena Trifasciata: 3 Ways To Propagate A Snake Plant And Make Your New Plant...

Snake Plant - Dracaena Trifasciata Dracaena trifasciata still recognized as the snake plant is among the most well-established and enduring kinds of plants for the home. It was until 2017 that it was segregated botanically...
Maidenhair fern

Maidenhair Fern Grow And 3 Essential Care Tips Indoor And Outdoor

Maidenhair Fern Many ferns thrive in captivating patterns and remote places. Still, maidenhair fern wins the contest with its silky purplish-black stems, almost spiraling frond structure, and extraordinary capability to colonize on a rock precipice...
Chinese evergreens

Chinese Evergreens – Growing And Caring For Chinese Evergreen Plants

Chinese evergreens Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema) have been a staple of my interior landscape for more than 25 years, and I continue to appreciate these wonderfully versatile plants. They are one of the easiest plants...
Pitcher Plants

Pitcher Plants Care And Growing Tips

Pitcher Plants PITCHER plants are fascinating because their pitchers catch, drown and digest insects. In Peninsular Malaysia, there are three endemic species, all of which grow in the mountains. Pitcher plants lure insects to their doom with sweet-smelling nectar...
Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant Is 1 Carefree Houseplant That Grows In Any Soil

Cast Iron Plant Cast iron plants are able to withstand dust, poor conditions, and general neglect. You will need patience as it takes a long time to get an Aspidistra to the right size. This tropical-looking...
Air Plants

How To Grow Air Plants: Epiphyte Cultivating

Epiphyte - Air Plants You wouldn’t know an epiphyte if it dropped on your head? Don’t be more confident. You may easily have some growing right out there in your backyard. How To Grow Air Plants?...