Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions
Indoor Plants

8 Indoor plants: Easy, affordable way to inject colour and life in your home...

BEST INDOOR PLANTS FOR YOUR BATHROOM Sounds good, yes? Of course, it does. However, you will need to choose your indoor plants wisely and care for them, as bathrooms tend to get steamy from hot...
Chinese evergreens

Chinese Evergreens – Growing And Caring For Chinese Evergreen Plants

Chinese evergreens Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema) have been a staple of my interior landscape for more than 25 years, and I continue to appreciate these wonderfully versatile plants. They are one of the easiest plants...
Bromeliad Plant

Bromeliad Plant: Grow And Care Tips Plus 6 Best Varieties To Plant

  Looking to add a vibrant splash of the tropics to your indoor space? Bromeliad plants are the perfect choice! These unique beauties offer long-lasting color with minimal fuss, making them ideal for beginners and...
Anthurium Crystallinum

The Enchanting World of Anthurium Crystallinum

Have You Ever Dreamed of a Plant That Resembles a Crystal? Imagine a plant that purifies the air and adds a touch of exotic elegance to your home. Meet the Anthurium crystallinum, a tropical marvel...
Manjula' pothos - Epipremnum Aureum

Manjula Pothos: 3 Sabotaging Growth Problems

The manjula pothos is a pothos cultivar with enormous, heart-shaped leaves with magnificent white, green, and cream variegation, making it one of the most beautiful pothos cultivars available. The manjula pothos is more difficult to...
Dischidia Plant

Dischidia – Care and Grow Simple Tips

Dischidia Plant Dischidia are epiphytic plants native to Southeast Asia rainforests and can be hardy by nature, zones 10 and 11 in the U.S, or grown as a houseplant anywhere. These plants are otherwise known as...
Philodendron silver sword

Philodendron Silver Sword: Indoor Plant Guide

What is a Philodendron silver sword, and how is it different from other Philodendron varieties? Philodendron Silver Sword is a specific variety of Philodendron plant known for its striking silver-green foliage. It differs from other...
Plants with Heart-Shaped Leaves

8 Unique Plants with Heart-Shaped Leaves for Your Home

Looking to add a touch of greenery to your home or office? Why not opt for plants with heart shaped leaves? Not only do these plants bring decorative charm to any space, but they...
Calathea White Fusion

Calathea White Fusion vs. White Fusion: The Dazzling Duo

Are you captivated by the mesmerizing beauty of Calathea White Fusion and its close relative, White Fusion? We will unravel the mysteries of these captivating plants, delving into their similarities, differences, and care requirements. Discover...

Peperomia Plants: Indoor Easy Planting Tips

Most foliage plants grow naturally as vegetation below the heavy canopy of tropical or subtropical trees and thus do not require direct sunlight. However, they do need some light for their life processes. Many foliage...