December Global Holidays: Celebrate the World This Festive Season


December Global Holidays

December is a month bursting with celebrations. From iconic holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah to lesser-known traditions like Krampusnacht and Kwanzaa, there’s a way for everyone around the world to find joy, meaning, and community. Let’s explore the diverse range of fascinating December global holidays and how they’re celebrated.

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Table of Contents

  • What are the major holidays in December?
  • What holidays do people celebrate in December?
  • What holidays are in December?
  • What are Global Holidays?

You will find answers to all the above questions if you continue to read this article.



For Christians, Christmas is a holy religious occasion. The 25th of December is Christmas, one of December’s most significant global celebrations

. Additionally, it is a significant holiday in the Christian calendar.

On this day, Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who they consider to be the final authentic prophet sent by God to redeem humanity.

Many people associate Christmas with a number of religious activities, such as Christmas Day church services. But it is also observed for secular purposes such as tree-decorating, social gatherings, gift-giving, and the Christmas feast.

Consuming delicious cuisine throughout the December holidays around the world is a must-do part of the festive celebration. Even though roast turkey and Christmas pudding come to mind for the majority of people, the unique culinary treats from many nations can be as diverse as their traditions.

For instance, roast lamb rather than turkey or ham is the meat of choice in Spain; Polish folks begin their Christmas Eve feast by passing over Oplatek wafers;

In Italy, soup is seen as a festive feast and many dishes don’t contain meat due to the country’s religious traditions. In Germany, gingerbread (Lebkuchen), not Christmas pudding, is the traditional Christmas dessert.

Since many nations celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday honoring Jesus Christ, different people and civilizations observe this day differently.

Here are some fascinating regional customs and practices associated with Christmas Day celebrations from around the globe.

Germany: There is nothing more festive than a bustling Christmas Market where locals congregate to enjoy Christmas Eve dinner and seasonal gourmet cuisine while sipping mulled wine and shopping for gifts.

While these markets are common throughout Europe, they are particularly old-fashioned in Germany, where many of them date back to the 15th and 16th centuries.

Christmas is a relatively recent festival in Japan. As a result of a cunning marketing strategy, many locals are now ordering KFC for Christmas dinner, placing their orders with the restaurant months in advance.

Ireland: The birth of Jesus Christ is commemorated during Christmas. From Christmas Eve to January 6th in Ireland (Epiphany). On December 26th, young people sing while holding a stick topped with a holly bush and a wren as they knock on doors, asking for donations for the allegedly starving bird.

Iceland: Santa Clauses, known as Yule Lads, visit the kids each night leading up to Christmas on the 13 days, not 1, leading up to the holiday.

A different Yule Lad leaves gifts for the good kids and rotting potatoes for the bad ones each night when the kids leave their shoes by the window.

Notably, while most people associate Christmas with the 25th of December, over 260 million Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth of Christ on January 7th, following the Julian calendar.

Christians in nations like Egypt, Ethiopia, Russia, Serbia, and Macedonia celebrate Christmas in a way that is less commercialized than the rest of the world, according to Orthodox traditions and customs.

Orthodox Christmas Day is not a global festival celebrated in December, is traditionally observed with church attendance, gift-exchanging, and a large meal featuring regional specialties.

How Many Christian December Global Holidays In December 

  • Wednesday, December 8: Immaculate Conception Day (holiday for everyone).
  • Friday, December 24: Non-working day (public sector)
  • Saturday, December 25: Christmas Day (public holiday for all)
  • Monday, December 27th: Non-working day (public sector)
  • Friday, December 31: Non-working day (public sector).



Dr. Maulana Karenga founded Kwanzaa in 1966. Dr. Maulana Karenga founded Kwanzaa in the United States in 1966. It is a relatively new holiday that falls during December.

The purpose of this seven-day celebration beginning on December 26 is to honor friends, family, and culture.

Dr. Karenga wanted something special for the African American community to commemorate its rich history and cultural practices as an alternative to the typical Christmas celebrations.

He modeled it after the first harvest festivals in Africa. Kwanzaa is derived from a Swahili expression that means “first fruits.” It borrows traditions and symbolism from harvest festivities in West and Southeast Africa.

People can perform African music and poetry, play traditional instruments, or get together for a big dinner throughout the holiday season.

Seven candles are lit, symbolizing the seven tenets of Kwanzaa. This is also noteworthy.



The Jewish faith celebrates Hanukkah in December as a significant December global holiday. Thanks to their gregorian calendar closeness, many consider the Jewish Festival of Lights
identical to Christmas in relative religious influence. It is one of the most openly celebrated, And one of the most epochal.

Hanukkah celebrates an ancient uprising brought out by the Maccabee warriors and the freeing of the Temple in Jerusalem.

The legend goes that an individual jar of ceremonial oil spectacularly burned for eight full nights.

Jews honor by lighting the Hanukkiah (a nine-branched lamp), eating lots of oily food like latkes (potato cakes) and sufganiyot (doughnuts), spinning dreidels, and handing over presents.

Of course, no December global holiday is complete without delicious foods; for Hanukkah, that means fried potato latkes and jelly donuts (sufganiyot).


Yule Wreath
Yule Wreath

Isn’t Yule or Yuletide identical to Christmas? While there’s a lot of overlap between the terms, Yule was formerly a holiday observed by Germanic pagan religions.
Many of the old myths continue to exist today.

For example, in Sweden, a giant goat is built out of straw and sometimes burned down, resting on how things work.

When Christianity appeared in that part of the world, many Yule practices were incorporated. However, some Neo-Pagans endeavor to celebrate the Yule as it was in the antique past, with ritual gifts and festivities. Yule and Winter solstice overlap.

Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day
Happy Boxing Day

Revolving around where one is from, Boxing Day may be a strong-established component of one’s holiday shopping schedule or an unheard-of word.

Boxing Day was the day service communities like mailmen and maids were left presents by their bosses in the UK and some of her old territories. Now it’s mainly for post-Christmas expenditure.


Ōmisoka, New Year’s Eve, is the second-most influential day in Japanese culture as it is the last day of the old year and the eve of New Year’s Day, the most important day of the year.

Families meet on Ōmisoka for one last time in the old year to have a pot of Toshi Koshi-soba or Toshi Koshi-udon, a practice based on eating the long noodles to cross over from one year to the next.

At midnight, many visit temples or shrines for Hatsumōde. Shinto temples provide amazake to pass out to crowds, and frequently, Buddhist temples have huge cast bells being struck once for each of the 108 worldly desires thought to cause human misery.

Lucia Day- 13th December 

St. Lucia is likewise referred to as the festival of lights, which is majorly honored in Sweden, Norway, and the Swedish-speaking territories of Finland.

This day occurs on the 13th of December in honor of St. Lucia (St. Lucy), the earliest Christian Martyr.

She was murdered after she was charged with silently furnishing food to Christians living and sheltering in the mazes of underground catacombs below the capital of Rome.

This holiday is observed as young girls stroll around, covered traditionally with wreaths on their heads and candles.

This winter holiday illustrates light amid long, dark Nordic colds.

Winter Soliscate- 20th to 23rd December

The December solstice marks the briefest day north of the equator and the longest day in the south.

The December Solstice can take place on the 20th, 21st, 22nd, or 23rd of December; however, 20th & 23rd December solstices are scarce.

Families light up bonfires and candles on this day to lure back the sunlight. Some individuals can’t wait for the frostier weather, snow, skiing and ice skating, crouching by a fire, and the holiday spirit.

You will recognize a peaceful silence when you wander through the woodlands—a suppressed kind of quiet. 

International Human Solidarity Day (December 20)

20th December is International Human Solidarity Day, commemorating our shared humanity and to remind us of the importance of collaborating to build a fairer, more just world.

The day is celebrated by people of all ages and backgrounds, who come together to support the principles of solidarity among people.

Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply raising awareness, everyone can contribute to a better world.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed December 20th as International Human Solidarity Day in 2005 in an effort to reaffirm our shared commitment to the global community.

Each year, the day offers a chance to reflect on the progress made towards achieving unity and a more inclusive world for all. 

This day reminds us that we are stronger together—a great message worth sharing.

World AIDS Day

James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter came up with the initial concept for World AIDS Day in August 1987.

At the time, Bunn and Netter were employed by the Global Programme on AIDS of the World Health Organization as public relations specialists.

The first World AIDS Day was observed the following year on December 1, which has remained its official date ever since.

The purpose of World AIDS Day is to increase public awareness of the spread of HIV/AIDS and to remember individuals who have been afflicted or impacted by the condition.

There are many ways to observe World AIDS Day, such as visiting impoverished children who have been left orphaned by the illness, supporting safe-sex campaigns, and urging governments to step up their efforts to stop the spread of HIV.

Every year on December 1st, World AIDS Day has been observed to increase public awareness of the disease and to show support for people who are affected by it.


Festivus is a December global holiday festival that originated in Germany and spread over the world in 1997 thanks to the Seinfeld episode “The Strike.”

This holiday parody’s purpose is to criticize Christmas consumerism.

Festivus is observed by gathering around an unadorned aluminum pole rather than buying an expensive Christmas tree.

Festivus traditions that are also widely practiced include “feats of strength” and “airing of grievances.”

Festivus supporters have come under fire from some commentators, who labeled them as anti-traditionalists with irrational beliefs on the true spirit of Christmas.

However, the holiday’s acceptance has increased over time, particularly among supporters of minimalism and thrifty spending.

Despite this, the holiday has gained popularity among frugal spenders and minimalism advocates.

Europe’s Best Christmas Markets To Visit in December 2022

If you’re looking for the ideal Christmas mood this December, it’s hard to beat immersing yourself in the joy of a typical European Christmas market.

In Europe, there are some of the ultimate Christmas markets around the continent, from Germany and Austria to France and Italy. Croatia climbed to the top of European Christmas markets in the past decade.

Vienna’s Christkindlmarkt

Viennas Christkindlmarkt
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>Viennas Christkindlmarkt<span>

Another must-see European Christmas market is the Christkindlmarkt in Vienna, which is located on Rathouse Square.

It features over 150 vendors selling everything from handmade presents and traditional Austrian Christmas decorations to delectable food and drink, all against the gorgeous backdrop of the city’s historic core.

The Christmas Market in Budapest

The Christmas Market in Budapest
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>The Christmas Market in Budapest<span>

In Budapest, Hungary, in front of St. Stephen’s Basilica, stands the Christkindlmarkt.

This market has over 100 stalls selling anything from homemade items and seasonal decorations to traditional Hungarian foods like goulash (a stew of pork), grilled sweet chimney cake, and langos (a deep-fried flatbread with savory toppings).

The Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg

The Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>The Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg<span>
One of the most well-known and adored Christmas markets in all of Europe is the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg, Germany.

It has more than 180 wooden stalls with antique toys, bratwurst, mulled wine, gingerbread cookies, and other items dating back to 1628. (German sausage).

Strasbourg Christmas Market

Strasbourg Christmas Market
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>Strasbourg Christmas Market<span>

The Strasbourg Christmas Market, which is situated in the lovely Grande Île neighborhood of the city, is regarded as one of the greatest in France.

It has approximately 300 chalets selling anything from handcrafted toys and holiday decorations to regional specialties like flammekueche (a sort of pizza) and baeckeoffe (a hearty beef stew).

Rome’s Christmas market at Piazza Novana

Romes Christmas market at Piazza Novana
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>Romes Christmas market at Piazza Novana<span>

There are several wonderful Christmas markets in Rome, but the one at Piazza Navona is unquestionably worthwhile.

It features a large selection of traditional Italian Christmas specialities, handcrafted wooden toys, and delectable desserts, all centered around Bernini’s majestic Fountain of the Four Rivers.

Christmas Market In Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Christmas Market
<span style=font family tahoma arial helvetica sans serif>Zagreb Christmas Market<span>

When Zagreb was named the Best Christmas Market in Europe by the website European Best Destinations, many people shook their heads although insiders were anticipating such a result.

The following year, Zagreb was once again crowned the best Christmas market in Europe, demonstrating that it was not an isolated incident.

and the next year. three years running.

The Advent program in the Croatian capital quickly spread to every part of the city, offering a rich schedule of activities, including concerts, gastronomy, ice skating, kids’ activities, and more, all of which were attractively decorated with holiday illumination.

As residents and visitors alike flocked to the streets to take advantage of this wonderful breath of life during the gloomier winter months, the air was filled with the scent of mulled wine and regional specialties, and there was laughter and romance on every corner.

December Global Holidays List

December Global Holidays 2022
Date December Global Holidays Significance
5th December 2021 Krampusnacht The people of Austria observe the 5th of December.
06th December 2021 St. Nicholas Day St. Nicholas Day is commemorated on December 6 in several European nations in honor of Saint Nicholas of Myra, who donated all of his wealth to the poor.
8th December 2021 Feast of the Immaculate Conception In the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Korea, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Philippines, Spain, and Uruguay, the 8th of December is a patronal feast day commemorating a pillar of Catholic education.
28th Nov to 06th December 2021 Hanukkah Individuals burn a menorah (a unique candleholder) to commemorate an ancient miracle for eight consecutive days.
13th December 2021 St. Lucia Day In honor of a third-century saint, girls in Sweden dress as “Lucia brides” on this day, donning long white dresses with red ribbons and a wreath of flickering candles on their heads.
13th December 2021 Santa Lucia Scandinavians and Italians celebrate this holy holiday on the thirteenth of December in honor of Saint Lucia of Syracuse.
16 to 24 December 2021 Las Posadas From the 16th to the 24th of December, people throughout Mexico and Guatemala celebrate this holiday to honor the Norse god Odin.
21st December 2021 Winter Solstice This occurs around the 21st of December and is the winter’s shortest day. People ignite bonfires and candles to coax the sun back into the sky.
23rd December 2021 Festivus This spoof holiday is celebrated on December 23 in the United States, and its significance is to advocate against Christmas industrialism.
25th December 2021 Christmas Christmas celebrations extend from Christmas Eve to the sixth of January, and each country celebrates it differently. Some celebrate it with traditions, while others exchange gifts.
26th Dec 2021 to 01st Jan 2022 Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is a spiritual celebration observed from December 26 to January 1. African Americans wear unique attire, decorate their homes with fruits and vegetables, and light a kinara on these holidays (candle holder).
31st December 2021 Omisaka Omisaka is the Japanese custom for ringing in the New Year.
31st December 2021 New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve is celebrated worldwide with merriment and vigor to mark the end of the year and welcome the incoming year with charm and joy.


Last but not the list, Bank Holidays

Here is all there is to know regarding the Bank Holidays for 2022:

When is the next bank holiday?

The first bank holiday of 2022 will take place on January 3, a substitute holiday for New Year’s Day.

Will there be an extra bank holiday?

The UK is preparing to gain an extra bank holiday in 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with a four-day weekend planned for June.

The Platinum Jubilee will commemorate the Queen’s seventieth year on the throne, making her the longest-reigning British monarch.

How many bank holidays are there in 2022?

Including January, there will be nine bank holidays next year for England and Wales.

These bank holidays will take place on these dates:

Friday, April 15 – Good Friday

Monday, April 18 – Easter Monday

Monday, May 2 – Early May bank holiday

Thursday, June 2 – Spring bank holiday

Friday, June 3 – Platinum Jubilee bank holiday

Monday, August 29 – Summer bank holiday

Monday, December 26 – Boxing Day

Tuesday, December 27 – Christmas Day (substitute day)

When else has a memorable bank holiday occurred?

Frequently, special bank holidays are provided for significant events, such as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

On April 29, 2011, the United Kingdom honored the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton with an additional bank holiday.

FAQ about December Global Holidays

How long do Christmas Markets last?

Most Christmas Markets usually open in late November and continue until a day or two before Christmas.

Where are some of the best Christmas Markets in the world?

While Germany, France, and Austria are most famed for their festive Christmas markets, several European and North American cities also hold Christmas Markets each year.

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