Hyacinth Growing And 5 Essential Care Tips




Pre-cut hyacinth bulbs can now be purchased at nurseries and garden centers. Many gardeners love to grow them for their strong scent.

Plant them from July to August to ensure they are in bloom at Christmas.

Traditional hyacinths were planted in large bowls with no holes at the base. Bulb fiber is used in place of potting soil.

Bulbs planted in bowls can cause problems. Once the bulbs and foliage are about a foot high, they will fall over.

This isn’t very pleasant since bulb fiber is extraordinarily light and tends not to dry quickly.

Place three to five hyacinth bulbs of the same type in the pot. Fill the pot until you can see the ridge at the top. Make sure that the bulbs’ noses are not above the compost surface.

Now, water the contents of the pot.

For Christmas flowering, hyacinths must be planted before September 14 and placed somewhere dark and cold.

A garage floor is a good place to put the bulbs. Be careful not to trip on it.

Regularly check the pot to ensure it is moist. The bulbs will grow huge roots under these conditions. This is the key to success.

The pot can be brought inside during the first week in December, provided the shoots are at most four to five inches in length. You can leave them outside for another week if they are shorter. However, make sure they are still moist.

Indoors, give your plants plenty of light, but not direct sunlight.

This will make your yellow leaves turn green in 10 days. Your room will smell wonderful on Christmas morning. It will be a pleasant surprise for your family or friends when they visit you.

What about the children?

A prepared bulb and a vase for hyacinths are good gifts. This will allow the children to see the roots growing, then the leaves and flowers.

Children like fast things, and you won’t need to keep bulbs in hyacinth vase vases in the darkness.

It may be a mystery to you why I didn’t suggest planting red and white together.

Mixed hyacinths bloom at slightly different times for a reason.

If you want different colors, you can plant each bulb in small pots so that you can place the slower-growing bulbs in a warmer area to encourage flowers.

Let me summarize by saying that the recent rain was very welcome. The only problem is that the lawn needs to be cut again… but it is still green.

Hyacinth Care

Hyacinths should be grown in large blocks to get the strongest, most powerful scent. Hyacinths can be mixed with other spring-blooming bulbs because they come in so many different colors and sizes.

Their spiky flower stalks are a nice contrast to cup-shaped and ruffled daffodils.

Most hyacinth bulb varieties are quite large—plant hyacinth bulbs six to eight weeks before the first frost for spring garden blooms.

The bulbs should be planted root-end-down (widest side), approximately 4 inches deep. Allow them to spread by spacing them 3-4 inches apart. Water well and cover with soil.

Taller varieties can flop. If you have several, stake them or place them closer together to ensure they are supported. To encourage plants to store energy, remove the stalks from the bulbs after they have finished blooming.


Your hyacinth bulbs should be planted in a place that has full sunlight or partial shading. Like all spring bulbs, hyacinths will sprout and bloom before they go into dormancy.

This happens before deciduous trees can fully leaf out. The plants should get at least six to eight hours of sunshine per day.


Although Hyacinth bulbs don’t care about soil pH, they prefer loose, well-drained soil. They won’t tolerate wet soils. Rich soil can cause floppy stalks, so be gentle with the organic material when amending or preparing the soil.


After planting the bulbs, water the ground thoroughly. Suppose there is not enough rain, water the ground well into winter. However, let the ground dry between watering. They will eventually die if they are left in damp, moist soil.

Temperature and humidity

Hyacinths can survive winter in USDA plants hardiness zones 4-8. They might need winter protection in zones below four and pre-chilling in areas above eight, depending on their variety.

You can take the bulbs at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit in winter and freeze them somewhere cold and dark for six to ten weeks. Hyacinth bulbs can be very short-lived. They will likely die within three to four years.


Tossing some bulb food in the hole during planting is the easiest way to give new bulbs a good start. You can either use a bone meal or one of the many fertilizers available to feed bulbs. You can feed the bulbs when they are planted and again in spring when new growth appears.

Are Hyacinths Toxic

1. Hyacinth bulbs can contain oxalic acids, which can cause skin reactions in some people. 

2. Gloves are recommended for handling bulbs. If ingested, oxalic acid can also be toxic. It is best to seek medical attention for pets and humans who have eaten the bulbs.

3. If you have any of these symptoms, please get in touch with your doctor immediately.


The Signs and Symptoms Of Poisoning In Humans

  • Skin irritation
  • Rash or hives
  • Get up stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


Signs and symptoms of poisoning in animals

  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Coughing
  • You are wheezing
  • Tooth irritation
  • Looking at the mouth


Propagating Hyacinths

The average life span of hyacinth bulbs is three to four years. You can propagate more Hyacinth bulbs by waiting until the end of summer, then gently lifting them.

Clear away any small offsets that may have formed around the bulbs’ edges. Then, replant all bulbs. It may take several years for the offsets to bloom.

Be patient. Mark their locations as soon as they bloom to avoid them disappearing in the middle of summer.

Potting and repotting Hyacinths

Because the bulbs don’t need to grow, they can be planted in smaller pots than in the ground. They can be squeezed in to touch, but you should leave enough space for soil between them to hold water.

The soil should be kept damp but not soggy that it is impossible to see the bulbs grow. Water the soil as soon as it dries. After the bulbs have sprouted, you can move them to the indirect sun. They will stay in bloom for longer if they are kept cool.

To force early blooms, you’ll need to either purchase pre-chilled bulbs or chill them yourself.

Common Pests/Diseases

Hyacinth bulbs can be eaten by all kinds of rodents. A handful of gravel can be used to protect the bulbs. You also have options for commercial rodent repellents. Interplanting them with daffodils is a simpler option that rodents will avoid.


How long do hyacinths typically live?

Sadly, hyacinth bulbs have a limited lifespan and will likely only last three to four years.

Due to the decline, many individuals treat them as annuals and replace them annually. This is also a standard growing method for gardeners in warm-winter zones who do not want to dig up and chill the bulbs.

What is the distinction between grape hyacinth and hyacinth?

Although they resemble one another, hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) and grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) are distinct species.

Grape hyacinths have smaller flowers with bell-shaped petals than their larger counterparts.

Grape hyacinths are frequently naturalized in lawns or planted in large drifts, which is not typical for standard hyacinths.

Grape hyacinths are a dark purple-blue color, lacking the variety of hues found in standard hyacinths.

Do animals such as squirrels, rabbits, and others dig up hyacinths?

Hyacinths are less palatable than many other bulbs, especially tulips, to most rodents, but hungry rabbits will undoubtedly dig up and consume hyacinth bulbs.

There are, however, other bulbs that are quite unpalatable, and planting your hyacinths near daffodils, Siberian squill, or grape hyacinths will discourage hungry rodents from digging.

Can hyacinths be grown indoors?

If you are potting hyacinth indoors to force early blooms, you must purchase pre-chilled bulbs or chill them in a refrigerator or other cold location.

They can then be nestled in gravel or placed in bulb forcing jars until they begin to bloom. Indoor hyacinth bulbs are typically discarded after flowering.

However, they are unsuitable for indoor cultivation if you have pets that nibble on leaves or dig up bulbs.


Use rosemary and lavender trimmings. Side shoots should be five inches in length. Take off any leaves that are less than one inch from the top.

Firmen into seed-sowing compost by adding 25% sharp sand. Keep them shaded. This is the best time for them to be rooted.