Philodendron Melanochrysum Care Plus 2 Malicious Problems


Philodendron Melanochrysum

Philodendron Melanochrysum Care Care

Perhaps the most varied type of plant is Philodendron, with species like Philodendron melanochrysum producing heart-shaped leaves of velvety texture in shades of copper and black on twining stems several meters high.

Philodendron melanochrysum, called black-gold philodendrons, is a rare form of vining philodendron, which has gained popularity as a houseplant because of its stunning foliage. The velvet leaves are hues of deep green and strikingly contrasted yellow veins.

They can grow as long as 25 inches in height. Although these plants are difficult to find, they’re pretty easy to take care of when you finally get one in your home.

Philodendron Melanochrysum Care

Originating from areas of tropical South America, philodendron melanochrysum prefers warm temperatures, dappled sunlight, and constant irrigation. Regular pruning isn’t usually needed when these plants are kept indoors.

However, periodic pruning is possible when your plant is becoming too big for the space it occupies. You should give them something to climb up as they mature, such as an agrosphere or trellis.

If you own an older plant, you might get the chance to view the blooms, though they’re not as stunning as their velvet-like foliage. Many growers decide to trim the flower spathes that are green to channel the plant’s energy towards their gorgeous foliage.


Philodendron Melanochrysum is a natural understory plant of forests that receives dappled indirect light. Suppose you are growing it in an indoor environment. In that case, it is recommended to replicate the conditions in nature by selecting the location of your melanochrysum where it receives direct, bright light. Do not expose these tropical plants for prolonged periods in direct sunlight since the leaves may burn quickly.


When deciding on the best potting medium for your philodendron melancholysum, choose a dry mix that is well-drained and rich in organic matter. Many growers prefer to plant their philodendron melanochrysums using pure sphagnum, as the material is natural, airy, and holds water well. You can also make your soil mix at home by mixing one peat moss part and one part perlite, and one-third of orchid bark.


The tropical plants need regular watering to flourish. In general, it is recommended to be sure to water your philodendron once the top 2-3 inches of soil have dried out. The plant should be watered thoroughly until the water is drained from the pot’s drainage holes.

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron melanochrysum is a good choice for average household temperatures and humidity levels. However, they thrive in humid conditions that are above average. You may have greenhouses or put a humidifier close to the plant; it will surely appreciate it!


The soil rich in nutrients is crucial for the Philodendron Melanochrysum. They require regular fertilization during their growing season. Apply an appropriate liquid fertilizer at least once each month from the beginning of spring through the summer’s end.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

When planted in a greenhouse, philodendron melanochrysum is well protected from insects and diseases. However, keep an eye for symptoms of common pests in houseplants like scaling, mealybugs, fungus gnats, spider mites, and illnesses like root disease and bacterial leaf spot, and fungal infections.

Usual Problems With Philodendron Melanochrysum

Common philodendron melanochrysum is usually caused by poor lighting or inadequate watering. The good news is that these plants are very resilient. If the problem is detected in time, it’s likely to make a full recovery.

Yellowing Leaves

Overwatering is the main reason for leaf yellowing on Philodendron Melanochrysum. Cut off any affected leaves, and be sure to allow the top couple of inches in soil time to dry between irrigations.

Browning Leaves

Crispy, brown leaves typically indicate that your plant isn’t getting enough moisture or exposed to too much direct sunlight (i.e., sunburn). However, sometimes older leaves turning brown and falling off is a normal phase of the leaf’s cycle and not a cause to be concerned about. If you notice that newer leaves are becoming brown spots, it’s an additional reason to be worried.