Calathea Ornata Growing: 4 Essential Tips


Calathea Ornata

Calathea Ornata

Calathea ornata, also known as the pinstripe-houseplant, is an attractive member of the Maranta (or prayer plant) family.

Calatheas are beautiful foliage plants with tuberous roots and finely marked foliage. They revel in semi-shade with good filtered sunlight: anything more substantial will curl the leaves up or even scorch the tender younger leaves.

The plant is also given the common name of prayer plant because of how the young leaves fold together if the soil is a little dry: this is the plant’s way of preventing moisture loss.

The plant would grow well in patios where the environment is moist and sheltered.

Native to tropical jungles, calatheas are similar to anthuriums in their preference for moist, organic soil and bright, indirect light.

They also share the anthuriums’ requirements for warmth, humidity, and light feeding during the growing season.

Calathea Ornata Info

BOTANICAL NAME: Calathea ornata The beautiful foliage of this plant is its main attraction. They are often thought to be a prayer plant and related.

On the dark-green leaves, pink stripes feather from the midrib to the edges on a slight curve. The undersides of the leaves are burgundy.

LIGHT PREFERENCE: Calatheas prefer a medium exposure to ensure the stripes stay a bright pink. Direct sun will fade the markings, yet too dark a vulnerability will not allow them to remain bright.

WATERING: Keep it evenly moist, not wet, but never dry. Place on a pebble tray to keep the humidity high. This is a must, as the leaf edges will turn brown if grown in dry air.

FLOWER: These plants are grown for their beautiful foliage and won’t flower in the house.

SIZE: It may grow to 2 feet (0.6 m) tall.

PROPAGATION: The calathea can be propagated by division.

Safe for pets. Keep the soil and direct sunlight (sunlight will burn its distinctive leaves).

Caring Tips

The plants require regular feeding for optimum growth and pleasing aesthetics.

One gram (0.035 oz) of soluble fertilizer per liter of water every 10 days would suffice.

Watering must be regular: never allow the soil to dry out completely, as this will cause brown edges and tips on the foliage. Lighting must always be half-shade, never direct sunlight.

The plants will not stand draught as this can cause desiccation and browning of young foliage.

It will do well in humid air, especially on garden patios, with open dishes of water or where moist peat can be placed.

The soil requires good drainage, a soil:peat: sand in a ratio of 2:1:1 would be suitable.


Watch out for common slugs and snails and sucking insects and pests. Dimethoate is an excellent systemic for spraying plants, while “snail-killers” in pellet form can be placed strategically to trap them.

Signs Of Problems With Your Calathea Ornata

A finicky plant, the Calathea Pinstripe may very well be. Fortunately, there are numerous early indicators that your Calathea isn’t content.

These signs include crispy, brown leaves, leaves that are beginning to turn yellow, and pink stripes that are fading to white.

This does not indicate that your Calathea is dying when it occurs. It suggests that the Pinstripe plant isn’t receiving the attention it needs.

It may be in a climate that is too dry for the plant if the leaves begin to turn brown or yellow.

In this situation, be sure to mist the leaves of your Calathea every day or find another method of giving the Pinstripe plant the humidity it requires.

The plant is receiving too much sunshine when the pink stripes on the leaves begin to turn white. You’ll notice a difference if you move it to a slightly more darkened area.

Final Word

That’s all there is to it. The Calathea Ornata is a finicky plant, but if you follow these instructions, you should be better equipped to care for it.

At the very least, these instructions will show you how to spot symptoms and provide solutions to help you maintain your Calathea’s health and promote its growth.

The following tips are the most crucial considerations regarding this lovely plant:

  1. Maintain soil moisture.
  2. Maintain a humid climate for the plant.
  3. Ensure the plant receives bright enough filtered light.
  4. Plant it in soil with good water retention and let air reach the roots.

These rules should be followed above all others. Having learned all about these unique plants, you are now ready to buy one.

I sincerely hope they bring you the same delight many others have. Once you use the tips from this tutorial, calacheas may be both stunning and simple to maintain.

I appreciate you reading this. I hope it will help you maintain healthy and attractive plants!


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