Dragonfruit Cuttings: Plant Growing And 5 Safe Propagating Tips


Dragonfruit Cuttings

Dragonfruit Cuttings

Dragon fruit propagation happens either from seed or stem cuttings. Propagation from seed is less reliable and takes lots of patience since the time required from propagation to fruit production can take up to 7 years.

Dragon fruit propagation is more commonly accomplished via stem cuttings and hence the term Dragonfruit cuttings.

If you’re searching for a unique and stunning fruit to plant, you can try growing dragon fruit. Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya (Hylocereus undatus), is the common name of the cactus and the fruits it bears.

Originating from Central America, the pitaya plant is also propagated in subtropical and tropical areas, including China, Israel, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Nicaragua.

Are you interested in growing a brand new dragon fruit that you can grow yourself? Learn more about how to grow pitaya.

Dragon Fruit Information

Pitaya is frequently referred to as Dragon fruit English as a reference to its Chinese name, which translates to “fire dragon fruit. It’s also known as pitahaya cereus night-blooming and strawberry pear, among other names.

Dragon fruit is an annual epiphytic climbing cactus with fleshy, joined green stems of three horny wings with scallops. The variety of the cactus will determine each branch contains up to three short spines.

Dragonfruit Uses

Both the fruits and flowers can be eaten, though typically, just the fruits are consumed. Like the name ‘night flowering cereus’ implies that pitaya flowers only in the evening, beginning in the late evening and lasting until mid-morning the following day, just enough time to be pollinated with nocturnal moths.

The blossoms are very fragrant with a bell-shaped shape and greenish-yellow. They are about an inch in length and about 9 inches (30 centimeters. long and 23cm. broad) across. The resultant fruit is harvested during the summertime.

What is the process for transferring dragon fruit to other plants? Before creating a new dragon fruit plant, learning a few facts about the requirements is essential. The dragon fruit plant is a cactus that climbs and requires some support.

While pitaya is a tropical or subtropical plant, it requires sun and heat. It is best to place the tree in a moist location with partial sunshine. Pitaya isn’t a fan of cold temperatures, and, in reality, it can only endure short periods of frosty temperatures and freezing temperatures.

However, if you reside in a cooler climate or have an apartment with no access to an outdoor garden, don’t worry. Pitaya plant growth is possible. Dragon fruit plants can adapt to the growing conditions in containers.

Dragon fruit

How to Propagate Dragonfruit Cuttings

And the appeal of growing the dragon fruit in pots is the capacity to move it and overwinter the plant inside. How do I propagate Pitaya Dragon fruit proliferation via a stem or seed dragonfruit cuttings?

Seed propagation is unreliable and requires patience because the time from the propagation stage to fruit production could be as long as seven years. The majority of propagation occurs through the use of stem dragonfruit cuttings. Find a 6- or 15 inches (12-38 millimeter.) stem segment to reproduce stem cuttings.

Cut a diagonal slice near the base of the stem. Please treat it with a Fungicide. The treated stem segment is dry for about 7-8 days in a shaded, dry space. After that, take the dragonfruit cuttings, dip them into the rooting hormone, and plant it directly within the gardens or the soil draining well in the container.

The dragonfruit cuttings will develop quickly and can bear fruit 6-9 months after the propagation. If you’d like to test the possibility of propagating seeds, you can cut a dragon fruit in half, then scoop out seeds.

Separate the seeds from the pulp in the water in a bucket. The seeds should be placed on a damp paper towel to dry overnight. The next day, you can fill the tray with a well-drained seed starting mix.

Sprinkle the seeds over the soil’s surface and then lightly over them using a dusting of the medium, barely covering the seeds. Moisten using a spray bottle and wrap the plastic wrap around them.

Make sure the soil is damp. The seeds should germinate within 15-30 days. After germinating the seeds, take them out of the plastic wrap and transfer the seeds to larger pots.

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