Eastern Redbud 1 Amazing Harbinger Of Spring

Eastern Redbud
Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud Tree

While the term “eastern redbud” conjures up images of it growing across the eastern seaboard The native tree is cold-hardy in zones 4-9, covering all gardening climates across

In the past the landscaping industry has taken on the redbud, breeding it and giving it a variety of names like Okla-homa Forest Pansy, Ruby Falls, Hearts of Gold, and Burgundy Hearts.

They are all beautiful in their ways, and they all require similar conditions for growth, part shade, and well-drained, moist soil. Eastern Redbud is classified under the understorey tree category because it is best planted in taller trees like pines.

Find the forest areas where native species thrive naturally, and you’ll notice the best appearance in a shaded area or perhaps morning sunlight shining through.

The less pronounced form of weeping known as Lavender Twist is easier to manage in small spaces. It can grow two to three meters with heart-shaped leaves, making a massive umbrella when the pink-purple flowers have gone.

Plant it next to the bird feeder and observe how birds make use of it to make a landing spot while they watch to be fed.

Rising Sun redbud is a fresh one that won a 2012 Gold Medal Plant award, the tiny but stunning pink orchid flowers are visible above the smooth bark.

Heart-shaped foliage with the color spectrum of apricot through tangerine appears afterward.

Don Egolf redbud is a Virginia Beautiful Gardens award winner. Virginia Tech and the landscaping industry run the plant nomination program.

No matter your gardening style or landscaping style, the eastern redbud is an attractive design for your spring décor.


Scientific name: Cercis canadensis.

Growth habit: A rounded deciduous tree with an open branching habit growing to 25 feet tall and about as wide. The leaves are moderate to dark green with some new growths having a reddish tinge, heartlike shape, and growing to 6 inches in length and width.

Light: Plant in full sun to lightly shaded locations

Water needs: Drought tolerant but grows best in moist soils. Water new plantings until the roots grow out into surrounding soils. Thereafter trees can usually exist with seasonal rains but are best watered during the hot, dry times.

Feedings: Apply a general landscape fertilizer in March and June for the first three years after planting. Trees typically obtain needed nutrients from decomposing mulches or nearby turf and ornamental feedings.

Propagation: Start trees from seeds or graft named varieties on seedling rootstocks.

Ease of culture: Easy; a short-lived tree of 20 to 25 years.

Hardiness: Hardy.

Major problems: Caterpillars occasionally feed on the trees and are usually ignored or hand-picked and destroyed. Trees often develop leaf spots during late summer, which are seldom controlled. Older trees develop trunk cankers that cause their decline.


  1. Keep new trees to a single trunk until more than 4 feet tall.
  2. Allow branching to create the spreading canopy.
  3. Remove small shoots and crisscrossing stems as needed.
  4. Remove lower limbs that interfere with maintenance or traffic.

Use: One of the first flowering trees of spring swelling with red buds that open small flowers along with the limbs during February and March. The trees make excellent accents for the front yard and patio displays.

They can also be planted as space dividers and backdrops for gardens. Some fall color is provided when the large leaves turn bright yellow to orange in October.