Easter Lilies: 10 Easy Tips On Growing


Easter lilies

Easter Lilies

Careful care can give Easter lilies beauty and a long lifespan. The Easter Lily, the adored flower of Easter, is revered as a joyful symbol for beauty, joy, and hope. The vast, trumpet-shaped delicate white flowers embody the essence of Easter.

If you own one in your home, the tips below can help you make your Easter lilies blooms last forever.

For the longest pleasure, choose flowers in different ripeness stages: two partially opened or open flowers and three or more puffy and unopened buds with different dimensions.

I expect the buds that puff up to open within some days, whereas those with a tighter shape will flower over the next few days.

As the flowers age, As they mature, take out the yellow anthers before when the pollen sheds. This prolongs the flower’s lifespan and prevents pollen from staining white petals.

If your mature flower fades after its prime, Cut it off to make it more attractive while enjoying fresh flowers.

In the house, Easter lilies prefer mildly cooler temperatures. Ideal daytime temperatures range from 60 to 65 degrees, with slightly cooler temperatures at night. Avoid placing the plant in areas with drafts and stay away from dry or hot air from fireplaces, appliances, and heating pipes.

The Easter lily is most at home near a window that receives light, indirect, natural sunlight, but stays clear of direct sunlight that is glaring.


If you do not have cats, there is no reason for you not to enjoy having Easter lilies in your home. Start by selecting a plant with only one or two open flowers, a couple that is puffed up and ready to open in a couple of days, and the rest unopened buds of varied sizes. Having a variety of buds will ensure that your plant will be in bloom for the longest possible time.

As each flower matures, remove the yellow anthers before the pollen sheds. This prevents the pollen from staining the white flowers and ensures a longer flower life. When a mature flower withers, cut it off to make the plant more attractive.

Avoid buying Easter Lilies that are displayed in paper, plastic, or mesh sleeves. We should remove immediately these protective sleeves upon arrival at the store. The plants deteriorate quickly when left in these convenient packages.

If a plant looks a bit wilted, it is waterlogged and this may also be a sign of root rot.

Once you get your Easter Lilies home, the first thing is to remove the decorative foil or wrapping paper and make sure it has not been sitting in a pool of water. These plants like moderately wet, well-drained ground.

Water the plant fully when the soil surface feels dry to the touch, but avoid over-watering.

Lilies enjoy moderately cool temperatures, recommended daytime temperatures should be 60 to 65 F. with slightly lower night temperatures.

Avoid putting plants near drafts, and exposure to excess heat or dry air coming from appliances, fireplaces, or heating pipes. The lily will grow near a window in bright, indirect natural daylight, but avoid glaring, direct sunlight.

Continue to water thoroughly as needed. I give them a little liquid organic fertilizer every six weeks. Move the containers to a sunny location outdoors after the peril of frost has gone away.

To plant your Easter Lilies outside, arrange a well-drained garden bed in a sunny location with rich, organic matter. Use a well-drained planting mix, or a mix of one part soil, one part peat moss, and one part perlite. Proper drainage is the key to success with lilies.

History Of Easter Lillies

The elegant Easter Lily will rise above the lacy violas and Alyssums. This is not just beautiful but also healthy gardening.

Literature, mythology, history, poetry, and the entire world of art are filled with illustrations and stories that tell of the beauty and splendor of the Easter flower.

The most well-known biblical examples include that of the Sermon on the Mount, in which Christ addressed his followers: “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin and yet … Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Christian churches carry on this tradition during Easter by storing their altars and surrounding their crosses with masses of Easter lilies to celebrate the Resurrection and the promise of eternal life.

From the beginning of time, Easter lilies have been a significant part of stories about the ritual of motherhood. Ancient stories tell us that the lily was born in the milk of Hera, the mythological queen of heaven.

We have associated the white lily for a long time with Mary the Virgin. In paintings from the early age depicting Angel Gabriel, she gives Mary the branches filled with pure white lilies, declaring that she will become the mom of Christ.

Easter Lily

Other artworks depicted saints carrying vases of white flowers to Mary and the baby Jesus.

The early writers and artists created the lily as the symbol of the Annunciation and the Resurrection of the Virgin and the purity of its white petals symbolizing her flawless body and golden anthers of her soul shining with the heavenly illumination.

Another manifestation of femininity lilies was a prominent presence in the world in the story of Adam and Eve. The story goes that after Eve quit Eden, in the Garden of Eden, she shed actual tears of sorrow, and those sorrowful tears, lilies sprung.

Easter Lilies Are Deadly To Cats

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control and Cat Fanciers’ Organization is leading a national campaign to inform pet owners of risks associated with Easter Lilies and vario “s other kinds of lilies.

“Easter lily, tiger lily, rubrum, Japanese show lily, some species of daylily, and certain other members of the Liliaceae family can cause” e kidney failure in cats,” states the doctor. Sharon Gwaltney- Brant, a Veterinary Toxicologist from the ASPCA Anim” l Poison Control Center. “All parts of these lilies are toxic to cats, and consuming even a tiny amount” can be life-threatening.”

They strongly advised that people who own cats or give gift plants to other owners of cats think about alternative options that are safer than Easter flowers like Easter Cactus, Easter Daisy, Easter Orchids, or violets.

If the worst happens and a plant poisons your cat, take it to the vet promptly by bringing a portion of the plant to make it easier to identify.