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Centipede Grass

Centipede Grass Growing And How To Make Centipede Grass Spread

What Is Centipede Grass Centipede grass is a medium raw, textured, yellow-green perennial turf. It takes full sun or high pine shade for good growth, and people should not plant them under oak trees. Centipede’s popularity...
Weeping Cherry

Weeping Cherry Tree Growing And Planting Tips

Weeping Cherry Tree Some of the season's prettiest trees are blooming, presenting a contrast in pruning styles. Left alone, spring-flowering trees like weeping cherry tree develop long thin branches that arch and cascade downward. Some people shorten...
Plumbago auriculata

Plumbago Auriculata And 1 False Medical Use

Plumbago Auriculata Plumbago is a sprawling South African shrub that grows three feet to five feet tall on sunny, well-drained sites. Freezes damage it but recover. Plumbago auriculata or cape plumbago is one of many ornamental shrubs...
Persimmon Tree

Persimmon Tree History And 2 Valuable Varieties

Persimmon Tree Ever tried a fruit that looked like bright orange pointed tomatoes but made your lips pucker from its bitter taste? You might have had the pleasure of tasting an unripe Persimmon, one Redland's favorite...

Podocarpus Plant Growing And Essential Info

Podocarpus Plants Podocarpus plants are sometimes called Japanese yews. However, they are not Taxus genus members. Their needle-like leaves, growth form, and berries are very similar to those of the yew family. These plants are also toxic,...

Tradescantia Information Plus 19 Fine Varieties

Tradescantia Plant Tradescantias are unfussy plants that grow almost anywhere and provide vibrant color in summer. Tradescantia is often a welcome invader to garden borders where it readily self-seeds and can become a permanent fixture. Known as...

Alocasia Plant Facts And 4 Easy Growing Tips

Alocasia Alocasia odora is a wonderful landscape plant. Individual heart-shaped leaves with rounded tips can be more than 3 feet in height and width. Leaves stick straight up, giving them prominence in the landscape. With maturity,...
Dieffenbachia Plant

Dieffenbachia: Info And 1 Deadly Hazard

Dieffenbachia Information Dieffenbachia is an impressive large-leafed plant. It is suitable for interior landscaping that is both spacious and low in light. Low light conditions are not a problem for Dieffenbachia, but they will eventually become...
Butter Lettuce

Butter Lettuce: Info And 1 Vibrant Recipe

Butter Or Bibb Lettuce Butter Lettuce, most credit War of 1812 veteran Maj. John Bibb with creating what we call Bibb lettuce around 1870 in his greenhouse in Frankfort, Ky. The small, jade green lettuce was...
Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot Plant: Charming And Inexpensive Plant

Polka Dot Plant This is the correct time of the year when many gardeners seek a new houseplant to cheer them, and a fine example is the inexpensive but charming Polka Dot Plant. Also called the...