Say Goodbye to Garden Woes: Garden Frontier Has the Solutions
Rootstock in Gardening

Rootstock in Gardening: Maximizing Growth and Yield

Are you an avid gardener looking to maximize the growth and yield of your plants? One technique you may want to consider is grafting your plants onto a rootstock.  There are two types of rootstocks,...

Agapanthus: How To Grow And Care For Agapanthus

Agapanthus Agapanthus (African Lily) is a plant that will grow almost anywhere and thrives on neglect. From the wilderness of floral fashion, the humble agapanthus suddenly is the height of horticultural chic. Their hardy ubiquity, especially...
Pachysandra Terminalis

How to Grow Pachysandra: A Complete Ground Cover Guide

Want a gorgeous, low-effort landscape? Pachysandra is your answer. This shade-loving superstar spreads quickly, suppresses weeds, and offers year-round greenery with minimal fuss. What is Pachysandra? Pachysandra, a Japanese spurge, is a beloved evergreen ground cover....

Weeding Your Garden With 5 Effective Ways For Free

Get Rid Of Garden Weeds For Free  As the warm weather continues, the need for weeding your garden grows faster and rapidly increases in most outdoor spaces. It seems like there is a never-ending battle...
Mirabelle Plums

Mirabelle Plums Planting Instructions

Mirabelle Plums Growing exciting and unique plants is one of the most exciting aspects of starting and maintaining a home garden. Heirloom vegetables, nut trees, and fruits are beautiful additions for those looking to increase...
Ash Tree

Ash Tree: Emerald Ash Borer 6 Infestation Signs

Ash Tree And Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) The ash tree is a division of the Fraxinus genus, which belongs to the Olive (Oleaceae) family of woody plants. They are usually used as shade, lawn, and...

Feijoa: Little-known Fruit With 3 Health Perks

Feijoa: Little-known Fruit With 3 Benefits to Health                 Autumn is feijoa season, and it’s time to either get your excuses ready not to accept proffered fruit or start to investigate tasty ways to eat them. That’s...