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Scindapsus Pictus Plant

Scindapsus Pictus Plant: Striking Tropical Plant

Scindapsus Pictus Plant Botanical Name: Scindapsus pictus 'Argyraeus.' Scindapsus Pictus is just as easy to grow as its relative, golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum). Keep it warm and take care not to overwater this house plant. Cold drafts and...
Flax Plants

The History of Flax Plants: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Marvels

The humble flax plants, with its delicate blue flowers and slender stalk, hides a multitude of uses. Its fibers have clothed civilizations for millennia, its oil nourishes bodies, and its seeds add a nutty...
Passiflora Caerulea Passionflower

Passiflora Caerulea Passionflower: 21 Types Of Passionate Passiflora

Blue Passionflower The Passiflora Caerulea Passionflower is a native flowering plant of South America. Also known as blue crown passionflower and common passionflower, it grows on a vigorous tendril vine up to 10 m high. Its blue...
Bradford Pear Tree

Bradford Pear Tree: How To Get Rid Off Bradford Pear Tree Once and For...

Why Bradford Pear Tree Is No Friend Of Yours Spring is the season for flowering plants and trees. However, a word of caution: some of these lovely flowers may originate from intrusive species. One of those...
Blue Star Creeper

Blue Star Creeper Plant: Rich Lawn Solution

Blue Star Creeper Although lush, green lawns are a tradition, many are choosing lawn alternatives. These options are more sustainable, require less water, and take less time than regular turf. Blue star creeper is a...

Ragweed Allergy: Ragweed Source Of Suffering

Ragweed AMBROSIA is rather a pleasant-sounding name, but the sheer sight gets adverse feedback from thousands of people who are afflicted by it. Ambrosia artemisiifolia is the familiar name for common ragweed, the dreaded harmful plant...
Cyrtomium falcatum

Holly Fern: Growing And General Information

Holly Fern Holly fern is a handsome, cold-hardy plant that deserves more use in Central Florida landscapes. This Asian fern (Cyrtomium falcatum) grows up to 30 inches tall and 48 inches wide in the moderate-to-deep...
Companion Planting

Companion Planting: A Natural Boost for Your Garden

Companion planting isn't a new trend, but it's one that's gaining a lot of attention for all the right reasons. Whether you're aiming for natural pest control or just want to see those veggies...

Honeywort – Cerinthe major purpurascens

Honeywort Cerinthe major purpurascens (purple honeywort) is one of the most distinctive seed-grown plants to become commonly available in recent years. The 45-centimeter (18-inch) plants are worth planting in a site where they can be appreciated close...

Honeyberry, Haskap, blue honeysuckle: they all spell delicious!

Honeyberry There's a new berry in the berry patch, and it's called the honeyberry or sweet berry (haskap) and sometimes called blue honeysuckle as it is edible honeysuckle. The berries are similar looking to blueberries but...