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Beefmaster Tomato

Beefmaster Tomato – How To Grow Big Ones

Beefmaster Tomato It is said there are two things money can't buy: true love and homegrown beefsteak tomatoes. The love you must leave to chance, but the prized, giant tomatoes . . . well . ....
Calathea ornata

Calathea Ornata Growing: 4 Essential Tips

Calathea Ornata Calathea ornata, also known as the pinstripe-houseplant, is an attractive member of the Maranta (or prayer plant) family. Calatheas are beautiful foliage plants with tuberous roots and finely marked foliage. They revel in semi-shade...
Chinese evergreens

Chinese Evergreens – Growing And Caring For Chinese Evergreen Plants

Chinese evergreens Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema) have been a staple of my interior landscape for more than 25 years, and I continue to appreciate these wonderfully versatile plants. They are one of the easiest plants...
yellow watermelon

What Is Watermelon Origin? Plus 1 Ultra Tasty Yellow Watermelon

It's impossible to say when or where we first began cultivating watermelons. However, archaeological evidence suggests that specific drawings found in tombs in the Nile Valley, which date to around 4,300 years ago, represent...
Eucalyptus Pruning

Eucalyptus Pruning: How To Coppice Or Pollard Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus Pruning Eucalyptus or gum trees form fine evergreen varieties with luscious vegetation and striking bark hues, but some species develop tall and sensitive to strong winds. They also drop long bark parts mainly in...
devil's ivy

Devil’s Ivy is 1 Easy To Care Indoor Plant

Devil's Ivy - Epipremnum Aureum Devil's ivy is a plant with multiple names. Known as a golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, Scindapsus aureus, or you may even have been sold it as a philodendron, which provides...

Milkweed Provides Stage For 1 Magic Monarch Butterfly

Milkweed What’s the hottest perennial plant for 2022? Milkweed! Gardeners across the Maritimes have been adding clumps of milkweed to their ornamental beds and borders to help support monarch butterflies. This plant is essential because...
Chinese Fringe Tree

Amazing Chinese Fringe Tree Information Plus Care Tips

Amazing Chinese Fringe Tree Chinese fringe tree (Chionanthus Retusus) is a species that, together alongside the dogwood kousa, extends the blooming season to the latter part of April or May. The fringe tree can attain an...

Hornwort Plant Information And Aquarium Use

Hornwort Hornwort is so-called because its leaves are divided and forked into narrow segments like the branches or tines of the antlers or horns of a Red Deer stag. Hornwort grows underwater. It even flowers and...

Fritillaria: 22 Great Cultivars Of Fritillaria

Fritillaria These perennial bulbs make a bold statement with their striking displays of vivid color. The term "tessellated" means having a tiled or mosaic-like pattern, and it is often this unusual feature of many Fritillaria that...