Transform your outdoor space! offers innovative gardening solutions, expert advice, and premium supplies to elevate your landscape.
Angel Wing Begonia

Angel Wing Begonia Care And Full Information

Angel Wing Begonia The shape of the angel wing begonia's leaves is what makes it so popular. There are many varieties of these houseplants. They come in many sizes and heights. Begonia x coralline is...
Goldfish Plant

Goldfish Plant Care And Growing Information

Goldfish Hanging Plant If you want a spectacular flowering houseplant for a hanging basket or pedestal then consider the goldfish plant (columnea gloriosa). A native of Costa Rica this plant has wonderful trailing stems that can...

Agapanthus: How To Grow And Care For Agapanthus

Agapanthus Agapanthus (African Lily) is a plant that will grow almost anywhere and thrives on neglect. From the wilderness of floral fashion, the humble agapanthus suddenly is the height of horticultural chic. Their hardy ubiquity, especially...

Hyacinth Growing And 5 Essential Care Tips

Hyacinth Pre-cut hyacinth bulbs can now be purchased at nurseries and garden centers. Many gardeners love to grow them for their strong scent. Plant them from July to August to ensure they are in bloom...
Red Spider Lily

Red Spider Lily: History And Important Tips

Red Spider Lily Red spider lily is probably one of the most beautiful bulbs that we can grow. However, a group or drift that has more than 100 plants can be pretty spectacular. I have always...

Celosia: How To Grow And Care For Celosias

Celosia Celosias make a striking addition to any garden. The flower colours of celosias are stunning, no matter what variety you choose. They practically glow in the garden even when it is raining. The most common...

Bougainvillea: How To Grow And Care For 9 Bougainvillea Varieties

Bougainvillea The Bougainvillea grows in the Amazon rainforest in South America, like Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. 9 Varieties of Bougainville I Prefer Bougainvillea Alba is a vigorous, woody, evergreen climber with short thorns and...
Hanging Succulents

Hanging Succulents: 4 Vibrant Plants To Hang

Hanging Succulents Many people choose to create a hanging succulents garden to add color to their backyard. Colorful succulents and ferns are the most popular variety of hanging gardens. Succulents of vibrant gold, blue and green,...
Purple Waffle Plant

Purple Waffle Plant Information Details

Purple Waffle Plant Hemigraphis alternata is also called the purple waffle plant. It makes a thick ground cover 4-6 inches high with wavy leaves with purple undersides. Scientific name: Hemigraphis Alternata "Exotica." High light: Produces a rich...

Dipladenia Vs Mandevilla: 6 Best Growing Tips

1. Understand the Difference: Dipladenia and Mandevilla are climbing plants from the same family, known for their stunning trumpet-shaped flowers. However, Dipladenia is more of a bushy plant, while Mandevilla is a vigorous vine....