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Pussy Willow

Pussy Willow Tree: Care And Growing Pussy Willows

Learn About The Pussy Willow Tree The Pussy willow tree (Salix discolor) is a species of willow family and is native to vast regions of Canada, from B.C. to Newfoundland. It prefers the shoreline of...

Creeping Thyme – 5 Easy Creeping Plants

Facts about Creeping Thyme Creeping Thyme, also called Mother of Thyme, is the ideal plant for growing small crevices, borders, lawn substitutes, and between nooks and crannies. Thymus praecox is a low-growing perennial thrives in USDA hardiness...
Holly Trees

21 Holly Trees and Shrub Species: In-Depth Look

Holly Trees Dive into the captivating world of holly trees, exploring their diverse species, unique characteristics, and ecological significance. Discover 21 exceptional holly tree species, each with its unique charm and contribution to our vibrant...
western arborvitae

Western Arborvitaes Are Great For Landscapes

Arborvitaes White pines grow quickly into very tall trees, as do the new western arborvitae, or Thuja "Green Giant," a five-year tree that almost literally defines the term "fast growing." Chances are, if you don't have an arborvitae...
Persimmon Tree

Persimmon Tree History And 2 Valuable Varieties

Persimmon Tree Ever tried a fruit that looked like bright orange pointed tomatoes but made your lips pucker from its bitter taste? You might have had the pleasure of tasting an unripe Persimmon, one Redland's favorite...

Tillandsia, Air Plant, 5 Easy Types You Can Try

Tillandsia, Also Known As Air Plant  Spanish moss is a flowering plant well known to fans of spooky Southern Gothic film and literature. It has long been associated with voodoo, but Native Americans used it medicinally...
Ostrich Fern

Ostrich Fern: Delicate And Durable Fern

Ostrich Fern Matteuccia struthiopteris USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 3-7 Maximum height 6 feet Deer resistant Native plants that love the shade. Our native ostrich Fern is one of the most delicate and durable plants. The...

Loquat Tree – 2 Simple Growing And Harvesting Tips

Loquat Tree Loquat is an evergreen tree of Rosaceae, native to China and mainly distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River, is a rare and rare tree species in the south of China. Loquat matures...
Ficus Audrey

Ficus Benghalensis (Ficus Audrey) Care Tips

Care Tips For Ficus benghalensis Ficus Audrey, also known as Ficus benghalensis, is an oval-leafed plant and much-less-finicky alternative, "has a striking silhouette and deep green, white-veined leaves." While Audrey loves bright light, they forgive filtered light....
Duranta Plant

Duranta Plant: A Tropical Shrub with Golden Berries and Blue Flowers

Duranta plant, also known as golden dewdrops, sky flower, or pigeon berry, is a tropical shrub that belongs to the verbena family. It is prized for its ornamental value, attractive flowers, and edible berries.  What...